Zuckerberg’s Former Advisor: A Metaverse Dystopia

Roger McNamee, a former adviser to Mark Zuckerberg, described the metaverse plans of social media giant Facebook (now Meta) as dystopia and said it was a bad idea.
 Zuckerberg’s Former Advisor: A Metaverse Dystopia
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Facebook announced that it would change its name to Meta with the Connect 2021 event and introduced the metaverse virtual universe, which is a new universe. This name change decision of Facebook, which has been facing a chain of bad events recently, was criticized by some people that it was to destroy the bad image.

The company’s products in the field of virtual and augmented reality and the metaverse, which opens the door to a different universe for people, receive many positive and negative reactions from people. But the most notable of these reactions came by Roger McNamee, one of Mark Zuckerberg’s former advisors. McNamee said their metaverse plans were a dystopian bad idea. It remains to be seen whether the Metaverse will be a Brave New World or 1984 or a hopeful technological revolution.

“The Metaverse is not safe in Zuckerberg’s hands”

McNamee, who was in Lisbon for the Web Summit, stated that the metarverse is a bad idea and that people should alarm it as if it is normal, saying that this different universe will not be safe in the hands of Mark Zuckerberg. McNamee’s criticisms are of the kind that people who do not feel insecure about what Zuckerberg, who carries the company in their hands like Thanos’ glove, can justify. As a matter of fact, Facebook and Zuckerberg are on the agenda with privacy and personal data violations that can no longer be seen as a mistake.

McNamee continued, “Any regulator or policy maker should not allow Facebook to operate in the metaverse or enter cryptocurrencies. Facebook should have lost the right to make its own decisions. Everything they do must have the pre-approval of a regulator. They have done incalculable damage.” In another speech he made, McNamee stated that Facebook should not be allowed to create a dystopian metaverse.

Chris Cox, head of the company’s Product Development Department, who attended the aforementioned Web Summit, defended his new plans at the summit in Lisbon, saying that thanks to the Metaverse idea, the horizontality of the internet will decrease and the technology usually starts as lower resolution versions of what it will be. Cox also stated that the metaverse can be extremely fun, according to the feedback they received from the company’s virtual reality trials.

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