Zuckerberg announced the HD gospel for WhatsApp…

Mark Zuckerberg announced that the "HD Quality Photos" feature, which WhatsApp users have been waiting for a long time, is officially available to users. So, how does the "HD Quality Photos" feature work; What do you need to do to access this feature?
 Zuckerberg announced the HD gospel for WhatsApp…
READING NOW Zuckerberg announced the HD gospel for WhatsApp…

Mark Zuckerberg has officially announced that the HD Quality Photos feature is now available on WhatsApp on both iOS and Android. The feature, which has been in beta testing for a while, offers a much higher quality photo sharing option than the standard setting.

The choice between the options seen before sharing a photo allows users to choose between the default option “Standard Quality” and the new “HD Quality” option, which preserves much more of the original resolution of the image.

The HD quality sharing option cannot be set by default and has to be specifically reselected each time an image is sent to ensure users still have “fast and reliable access” to image sharing.

Any user who receives an HD quality image will see a small “HD” icon in the lower left corner of the thumbnail preview. This icon will also serve as a warning to users who have limited data connectivity or where the phone is not receiving good reception, to wait to download the image or choose to download the standard quality version instead and then upgrade to HD.

Zuckerberg also stated that all photos sent, including those with the HD option selected, are covered by WhatsApp’s current end-to-end encryption assurance.

While this new option will not offer the original resolution of the photos, it will provide a better image quality as it will offer much less compressed images than the current Standard Quality option that WhatsApp uses.

To gain access to the new feature, you need to update the app to the latest version available on both the App Store and Google Play Store, and users may have to wait a little longer for this option to arrive on their devices as this update rolls out in waves over the coming days.

In addition, in the announcement made by Zuckerberg, it is said that the feature of sharing HD videos will be added to the application. But there is no date on when this feature will be available.

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