YouTuber Suspended for Saying ‘Masks Don’t Work’

Social media platforms continue to impose sanctions on the accounts of users who provide misinformation about the global epidemic. A US political commentator's YouTube channel was also suspended for "misleading the public". The response he sent by e-mail was quite harsh.
 YouTuber Suspended for Saying ‘Masks Don’t Work’
READING NOW YouTuber Suspended for Saying ‘Masks Don’t Work’

Along with the epidemic, which has been affecting the world since 2020, other issues have emerged that need to be tackled. While doctors and scientists continue their work without slowing down to prevent the Covid-19 epidemic, anti-vaccine and famous figures who spread false information to the public make it difficult to combat the epidemic. So much so that social media platforms are taking more precise steps in this regard.

As our followers will remember, an anti-vaccine US politician caused his account to be closed due to his “misinforming” posts on Twitter. Yesterday, the YouTube channel of Dan Bongino, a right-wing political commentator, with close to 1 million subscribers, was suspended for the same reason.

He reacted to YouTube with very harsh words:

Bongino, a very famous figure on conservative media platforms, stated in a video he shared that “masks are useless” and that they did not prevent the epidemic. YouTube decided to suspend his channel, stating that Bongino misinformed the public within the framework of the platform’s Covid rules. Bongino’s reaction, on the other hand, was rather harsh.

Dan Bongino’s Twitter account, Bongino Report, has very frankly expressed that they do not have any regrets with the sharing on Twitter. After the suspension of his channel, Bongino’s e-mail to YouTube was also shared with the tweet.

He expressed his reaction to the platform with these words:

“Dear Coco,

Nice to meet you. I got the email you sent me that YouTube suspended my channel. I’d be lying if I said I was surprised. We were always waiting for the platform, which is a swamp filled with oppressive, anti-free expression, and bogus, in which you work, to silence us. However, as I have said many times on my channel, I was waiting for this moment to come.

Fortunately, I am an investor in Rumble, a video platform that respects free expression. In fact, I have twice as many followers on Rumble than your crappy platform. Therefore, my offer to you will be as follows and I do not accept bargaining in any way. As soon as the ‘suspension’ process is over, I will post content about why masks do nothing to prevent the epidemic. If it’s boring, do something.

Best regards, kiss my ass. “

What are your thoughts on this subject? Are platforms like YouTube and Twitter justified in their sanctions? You can share your thoughts with us in the comments section.

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