You Will Want To Close All Social Media Accounts

You Will Want To Close All Social Media Accounts

Those who say “what are you talking about, sister, let me love your eyes, brother” before they start reading can leave already, because we know that all people cannot be happy at the same time. Moments when everyone is happy at the same time are mostly experienced in fairy tales. Even in that, sometimes witches, that is, someone, die. No one can see black or white at the same time; but the mix of all these moments is the same for everyone, namely “grey”.

Social media often makes us forget that the average of all of us is gray and that we have to live by accepting it. Most people live their whole lives just to call someone black, while being “black” to others. In fact, some important people who know how it works sometimes confuse you about who black is, and your soul doesn’t even hear it.

Let’s say there is a room in your house that you were unaware of, and therefore you never entered; there is a street in your neighborhood, a street in your city:

However, you are so sure that they do not exist that you argue that you know by heart the location of all your belongings, all the streets, all the shops on the streets:

Even if we present it to you with evidence, you never, ever accept it:

Until a scream is heard from that room, someone is killed in that street, a bomb explodes on that street… At that moment when you realize everything, it’s already too late… Someone or someone got hurt, lost their life, was taken prisoner. You have lived so far simply by denying the facts:

Here is this phenomenon, called the “echo chamber effect”, which unfortunately changes our lives through social media, TV channels and newspapers:

Social media apps know very well what kind of person you are, down to your political views. Recommends tweets, videos, accounts to spend more time with:

Even if you see tweets, shares or accounts that do not have the same opinion as you, all these content; If you get the reactions of people who agree with you, you come across:

An account with the same opinion reacts by quoting a tweet that you would never come across under normal circumstances. You only consume the actual event in the context of that reaction. You adopt the reaction first because it is the reaction of an account close to you. Then you talk about the actual event with your opinion based on this reaction. But what if the reaction was an unfair response and the real event was true? Your prejudices prevent you from seeing this.

It doesn’t just have to be on Twitter. You actually experience this every second you spend on all social media platforms from A to Z:

So in every digital medium; Just like the 4th room in your house, the street in your neighborhood, the street in your city, there are areas that you were unaware of:

The people living in these unaware areas are also unaware of the area you live in. Both sides constantly deny the existence of the other; tirelessly, tirelessly

In some cases, you sense the existence of that mysterious room, street or street. No one in your room wants to talk about it, even if you secretly want to believe it:

This is called the “elephant in the room”. It’s a big truth, something big enough to prevent you from even breathing is constantly pressing on you, you’re all together, but you don’t accept it. You refuse to talk about that fact:

However, sometimes the elephant in this room is related to the elephant in the other room, whose existence you were unaware of:

In other words, people who reject each other while living in two different rooms begin to accept the same reality. For example, a social event takes place… A terrorist attack, martyrs, war breaks out… People who blindly reject someone’s reality and ideas, suddenly start discussing the same issue in their own rooms about “safety of life”: “What will we do if we die too!” they say…

The elephants in the room are communicating with each other, something that rarely happens like two stars colliding, after all, and completely strangers in the two rooms are suddenly discussing the same topic:

“Enough,” they say. “Enough is enough! If I do not have security of life, those responsible must be held accountable!” they revolt. Most people take to the streets without experiencing the event personally, just with the sensations…

Just at this moment, a person important enough to affect your life comes to you, often calmly leaving a “dead cat” in front of you:

You suddenly forget the reality of the elephant in the room, which you had only accepted with sensation until that moment. The reality of the cat in front of you shatters you… Everything you talk about changes in an instant, you only talk about the cat:

Your heart is shattered by the sight you see. You are human after all. The elephant in the room is not so important; In that moment, in just that short time, the only real thing suddenly becomes the dead cat in front of you:

Meanwhile, the important person who brought you that cat says; “The people in the next room, in the street you do not know, are responsible for the death of this poor man, ask him to account!”

Now your only reality is to demand an account of the brutality and tragedy you have seen. You are now ENEMY with the people in the next room, on the street, on the street, with whom you were about to agree a while ago:

Likewise, they are hostile to you, because a “dead cat” has also been left on their table, and you are shown to be responsible:

This is called “polarization”. The people with the same idea, whom you are about to meet with the same problem and for whom you will produce the same solution, were misled by the “important person” who knows all the rooms. YOU ARE DIVOLVED:

You have become hostile to people whose existence you have only just learned about, and that you meet on a common ground with only a sense, because of a brutal truth. However, the perpetrators of that atrocity were actually the “important people” who entered the room:

Of course you didn’t know that… With that shock, your reality changed, you forgot the elephant, you want to punish the cat and its perpetrators. Your anger is overflowing from your container, but in the very wrong place.

At the height of the 2000s, the US public realized the economic crisis (the elephant in the room) and began to react collectively (Polarization reversed). The army entered Iraq (demonstrating the dead cat strategy), promising oil wealth to its own people, democracy to the world:

Today, just like this one, we reject the elephant in hundreds of different rooms, and just as we’re about to accept it, we lose our authenticity with so many cases of dead cats. While the facts often have the quality to make us uneasy, all of the promises have positive content that will make it easier for you to believe in life and promises such as “wealth” and “equality”.

Now, a part of you wanted to delete your social media accounts, turn off your phone and TV… However, this article is no different for you than the elephant in the room. Whether you delete or close it, it’s only a matter of time before you’re back. Because, even if not everyone, you want those around you, what you see and experience to be “white”. In fact, like everyone else, you have all the colors:

So what happens after all? The difference between the facts you directly witness and experience and what you are told; The only thing that will determine your future. That’s why you have to knock on the door of that room without anyone telling you, pass through that street, stop by the shops on that street and take your decisions accordingly. The hardest part is exactly this part.