You will now be able to leave WhatsApp groups silently!

Aiming to offer a more free space to its users, Meta announced new privacy features for WhatsApp users.
 You will now be able to leave WhatsApp groups silently!
READING NOW You will now be able to leave WhatsApp groups silently!

WhatsApp always manages to create new discussions with the features it offers. The application, which is especially on the agenda about privacy, is now starting to offer more freedom to its users in this regard. Working in this direction, Meta announced new privacy features for WhatsApp users.

WhatsApp announces new privacy features

With the incoming update, WhatsApp now aims to offer more freedom. WhatsApp now offers its users the ability to leave chat groups silently. Users will thus ‘gracefully’ leave the group and group members will not be able to see it directly.

Currently, every member knows when leaving a WhatsApp group. Such situations are not welcome, especially in small groups. On the other hand, although this movement is very normal for larger groups, it can be seen as disturbing. After the update, users will be able to leave groups silently and only administrators will be notified about this situation.

Along with the ability to silently leave WhatsApp groups, users will now be able to control who can see their online status and block screenshots in View Once messages.

Thus, users will now be able to hide their online status to certain people or everyone. Thus, after the ‘last seen’ feature, online statuses are now hidden, providing more privacy to WhatsApp users.

On the other hand, with the ‘View Once’ feature, WhatsApp winked at Snapchat. Now, as in Snapchat, screenshots will be prevented from being taken for these messages. WhatsApp announced that this feature is being tested and will be available to users soon.

WhatsApp believes that it creates more free space for its users with the new privacy features it offers. So, which privacy feature are you most happy about? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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