You will now be able to erase your memory of your Makûs and traumatic memories compared to science: How is it enough?

You will now be able to erase your memory of your Makûs and traumatic memories compared to science: How is it enough?

However, we have a news for you. Scientists have found a method that allows you to erase bad memories.

Let’s see how it can be possible without further ado.

There is a way to erase the macus and traumatic memories compared to the human beings.

That way is to weaken negative memories by reviving positive memories. A few years ago, the researchers wanted to look at 48 different negative images of each of the 37 participants.

Each image was matched with a fabricated word, and the subsidiarists were asked to memorize the landscape and word pairs. In the meantime, they were monitored using electroencephalography during the night.

On the second day, the participants were asked to match half of the previous words with positive images. The participants entered the bed and the researchers listened to the records of half of the words they made up while they were asleep.

In the third and fifth days, various evaluations were made to the participants to find out what was in their minds.

For the words associated with both positive and negative images, the participants recalled more of the positive ones. In fact, this result shows us that we can emphasize the appropriate ones by weakening the memories of Makûs.

In other words, it is possible to educate the brain in this case and to guide memories. However, researchers, of course, continue their research and studies on this bet. Who knows, we can say goodbye to memories that we don’t want to remember in different ways to be identified soon.

Sources: Science Alert, Fast Company

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