You Will Have Hard To Believe When You Hear The Bans In The Country: 9 Facts Proving How Interesting Mexico Is

You Will Have Hard To Believe When You Hear The Bans In The Country: 9 Facts Proving How Interesting Mexico Is

We are sure that even when we say Mexico, a sweet Latin music starts playing in many people’s minds, and then dangerous men shooting at each other come to life. Despite being on the same continent with developed countries such as the USA and Canada, Mexico, which has a shaky economic and political structure, is unfortunately one of the most important centers of the criminal world.

Of course, we will not tell you about the Mexican criminal world now, there are already enough movies and TV shows about this subject. In this article, we will tell you about the cultural structure of the beautiful North American country. Because some of the traditions in the country are ancient habits dating back thousands of years. But first, be warned, you’ll be pretty surprised by some of this extraordinary information about Mexico.

Interesting facts about Mexico, some of which you will hear for the first time:

  • Mexico’s name is actually not just Mexico.
  • Mexican food is misunderstood.
  • If you go to Mexico because I speak Spanish, you may have a hard time.
  • Mexico has an American immigrant problem.
  • Many of the continent’s firsts took place in Mexico.
  • The world’s largest pyramid is in Mexico.
  • You can be the bait of a jaguar when you want to visit the Mayan ruins.
  • There are interesting prohibitions in the country.
  • You’ll get your fill of all kinds of corn in Mexico.

Mexico’s name isn’t actually just Mexico:

Just as America is actually the name of the continent and the name of the country is the United States of America, the full name of Mexico is Estados Unidos Mexicanos, that is, the United States of Mexico. Because the country has a federal structure consisting of 31 different states. Just like the USA, each state of Mexico has its own police, its own laws and its own autonomous structure. Still, everyone respects the central government and no one is trying to divide the country.

Mexican food is misunderstood:

Mexican food is the product of a delicious culture that has been included in the list of world cultural heritage by UNESCO. But these dishes are not as hot and spicy as you might think. Some are a bit sour because only limes are used, but spices are not used as much. More interestingly, the first dish that comes to mind when talking about Mexico is burrito, or taco, a dish unique to the north of the country. The reason for his recognition in this way is the advertising work of fast food chains in the USA.

If you go to Mexico because I speak Spanish, you may have a hard time:

For tens of thousands of years, ancient civilizations, the Mayans and Aztecs, lived on the territory of Mexico. The Spaniards, who discovered the continent in the 16th century, systematically massacred the people there. As the number of Spanish settlers increased in the region after the massacre, the common language of South American countries became Spanish. But this Spanish is not very similar to the common Spanish we know. Mexican people both enriched Spanish with their local language and developed a unique slang over the years. It would not be wrong to say that they have a completely different dictionary, especially about food.

Mexico has an American immigrant problem:

You read that right, Mexico has an American immigrant problem. In the news, US presidents are shouting and complaining about the Mexicans in their country, but the USA is already forcibly sending these Mexicans back to their country. According to 2010 figures, nearly one million US citizens live in Mexico. Considering that this number has doubled today, we can clearly say that there are many more US citizens going to Mexico than Mexicans going to the USA. Lopez should be sent to their country with tourism.

Many of the continent’s firsts took place in Mexico:

Although we sometimes think that it is a South American country due to the warmth of its climate, Mexico is actually a North American country, but in some areas, such as the language, it has been influenced by the south. When you consider that Mexico is a North American country, things get much more interesting because it seems that some firsts were experienced in this country compared to Canada and the USA, which are much more developed than that.

For example, the first printing press in North America was used in Mexico in 1539, years before the United States. The National University of Mexico was established in Mexico in 1551 by Charles V, King of Spain at the time, almost a century before Harvard University, which we now consider one of the oldest universities in the world, was founded.

The world’s first contraceptive pill was invented here in 1951 by the young Mexican chemist Luis Ernesto Miramontes. In 1946, Guillermo González Camarena, a 17-year-old Mexican, made the first color television broadcast. Much more interestingly, the Caesar Salad was invented in 1924 by Caesar Cardini, who ran a restaurant in Tijuana, Mexico.

The world’s largest pyramid is in Mexico:

How come the world’s largest pyramid is not the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt? No, the Great Pyramid of Giza may be considered the tallest pyramid in the world at 146.6 meters, but the largest is the Great Pyramid of Cholula in Mexico. The Great Pyramid of Cholula is only 66 meters tall, which is considerably shorter than Giza, but just 450 meters wide, it is exactly twice the volume of Giza. Therefore, we can clearly say that the largest pyramid in the world is the Great Pyramid of Cholula in Mexico.

When you want to visit the Mayan ruins, you can become the bait of a jaguar:

One of the largest wild cats in the world, the jaguar is also the largest wildcat in the North American region. One of the places frequented by jaguars, which are common in the forests of the southern region of Mexico, is the ancient Mayan ruins. It’s easy to see a few around, as the ancient Mayan ruins are also the region’s most visited tourist attraction.

There are interesting prohibitions in the country:

There is no strict ban, but for some reason, when you go to a toilet in Mexico, you will encounter numerous warnings that you should never, never throw toilet paper in the toilet, and throw it in the trash. As for the ban; If you use makeup or use an electric shaver while driving, you will face a large fine. The reason for this ban, which was first implemented in 2008, is that people have too many accidents.

You’ll get your fill of all kinds of corn in Mexico:

There is no one who does not know that the American continent is the homeland of corn, and this situation is even more developed in Mexico. There are 59 different varieties of corn grown in Mexico. Moreover, since they are still grown using traditional farming methods, none of them are genetically modified crops. Of course, this rich corn culture finds a place in the country’s cuisine.

We talked about extraordinary information, some of which you have heard for the first time, about Mexico, a North American country that has a unique culture of its own, even though it is associated with the criminal world. Even if they get rid of this cartel scourge, the poor Mexican people should also smile.