You can now earn money from breastfeeding and twerk videos on YouTube

You can now earn money from breastfeeding and twerk videos on YouTube

YouTube is updating its guidelines to allow new types of adult content to be monetized, including videos showing nudity during breastfeeding and non-sexual dancing (twerking, etc.). However, YouTube also imposes certain conditions, such as the requirement for a child to be present in breastfeeding videos.

It’s time to earn income from breastfeeding and twerk videos

With this new update, creators will now be able to earn more ad revenue from breastfeeding content that includes a child in the video, even if the areola is visible. In the past, such videos could only be monetized if the areola was not present. The platform will continue to restrict ad revenue on breastfeeding content that does not feature a child. The updated policy also states that contextual reference is required. YouTube says it has received feedback that breastfeeding-related videos can be a useful resource for parents and wants to offer creators who upload this content the opportunity to monetize their content.

As for the second part of the changes, YouTube is removing restrictions on content focused on dance moves that involve dragging or twerking, meaning it can now earn ad revenue from such content. Despite these new changes, all content must comply with YouTube’s community guidelines and advertiser-friendly content guidelines for monetization purposes.

You can read all the terms of this new announced policy change in the bibliography or here. However, this isn’t the only change YouTube has made. Recently, YouTube introduced an AI tool that clones famous singers and has also tightened its AI control. The platform is also preparing to place inaudible watermarks in artificial intelligence music.