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  • You can now delete content from “Continue Watching” on Netflix

You can now delete content from “Continue Watching” on Netflix

Netflix is ​​coming with a small feature that can improve your quality of life. You will now be able to remove the content you want from the "Continue Watching" section.
 You can now delete content from “Continue Watching” on Netflix
READING NOW You can now delete content from “Continue Watching” on Netflix

As you know, on Netflix, one of the world’s largest video streaming platforms, you could find a piece of content that you left unfinished in the “Continue Watching” section of the Netflix homepage. You can now delete the content you want from here.

Feature Expected From Netflix

Even if you watch any content for a few minutes and leave it, that production would come to the “Continue Watching” section, and after a while, that episode was really tiring. In order to delete the production from there, you had to delete the watch history from the “Settings” section. However, this situation is now improving.

Starting today, Netflix is ​​getting the ability to control the “Continue Watching” section. So now you can easily delete the content you want in that section. In this way, the productions you watch for a few minutes will not stay there for months and you will be able to see what you really watch. Let us remind you that this feature is not currently available for all accounts. It looks like step by step. In short, if you do not have such a feature, do not panic, it will come soon.

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