You Can No Longer See Which Phone You Tweeted From

In a statement made today, Elon Musk announced that the phrase that you can see on which device users are sharing will be removed.
 You Can No Longer See Which Phone You Tweeted From
READING NOW You Can No Longer See Which Phone You Tweeted From

After the blue tick, which is the most important symbol indicating that you are a real person on Twitter, was announced to everyone in the past days, the fraudsters, who gave $ 8, both imitated companies such as SpaceX and Nestle, sent insulting tweets and lost millions of dollars to companies and used these companies for crypto money fraud. .

Yesterday, Elon Musk stated that in addition to the bandwidth throttling application in our country, there is slowness in Twitter in many parts of the world, and this is due to more than 1000 bad RPCs. Stating that they are working on the subject, Elon Musk announced that some unnecessary features will also be removed.

It will not be known on which device users tweet

In a statement on Twitter today, Musk announced that some “microservices” will be shut down starting today. Stating that in fact, only 20% of thousands of microservices are enough for Twitter to work, Elon Musk announced that the information box indicating which device users are sharing from under the tweets will also be removed.

Thanks to articles such as “Twitter Web Client”, “Twitter for iPhone” and “Twitter for Android”, users could access the information from which device the share owner sent tweets. This section also made it easier for sponsored posts to be noticed thanks to the phrase “Sponsored”.

However, this system is especially known for “disgracing” themselves by the world’s giant brands. Issues such as Samsung’s sending ad tweets on the iPhone and the famous actress Gal Gadot’s sharing the Huawei ad on the iPhone were usually instantly noticed and ridiculed by Twitter users. Unfortunately, we will not know about such things after this feature is removed.

On the other hand, many users agree that this will put advertisers at ease. However, it is not yet known whether this feature will affect users positively or negatively.

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