You Can Donate to Foundations Instead of Broadcasters on Twitch

Live streaming platform Twitch has announced a new feature that will allow broadcasters to donate directly to charities. The donations raised will go directly to organizations via Twitch, rather than streamers.
 You Can Donate to Foundations Instead of Broadcasters on Twitch
READING NOW You Can Donate to Foundations Instead of Broadcasters on Twitch

On Twitch, the largest live streaming platform, broadcasters can collect donations for charities as well as for themselves. These monies, which are collected by the publishers to serve a good cause, are transferred to the organizations through the publisher. Today, Twitch has announced a new feature that removes this situation and cleans up the mess.

Twitch introduced its service called ‘Twitch Charity’ in its blog post. With the new service to be added to the platform, broadcasters will be able to choose the organizations they will collect donations directly from within Twitch. In addition, the collected money will be transferred directly to the institution by Twitch before it is in the hands of the publisher.

Twitch will not take any commissions from donations:

With the new service, broadcasters will be able to activate the ‘helpfulness mode’ in their broadcasts. With this feature, viewers will see a button that says ‘Donate to charity’ during the broadcast. Donations made using this button will go directly to the publisher’s chosen organization in partnership with PayPal Giving Fund.

Twitch will not take any commissions if they are in the process of transferring donations to the organization. The collected donation will be transferred to the organization as it is. The new feature has been activated for selected publishers for now. In addition, a limited number of charitable organizations have been added to the service for now. Twitch stated that the number of organizations will increase in the coming period.

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