Xiaomi’s New Flagship Will Be 14 Not ‘Xiaomi 13’

Xiaomi’s New Flagship Will Be 14 Not ‘Xiaomi 13’

Continuing to maintain its popularity in the smartphone world, Xiaomi came up with a surprising photo today. A photo shared on China’s social network Weibo featured the boxes of Xiaomi’s new flagship series phones.

On the other hand, the names on the box pointed out that Xiaomi will make a decision just like Samsung and Apple in the past. The phones, which were expected to be named Xiaomi 13 this year, bore the name Xiaomi 14 on the box.

Photo showing that Xiaomi may have skipped points:

The photo in question, which we see above, was allegedly taken at one of Xiaomi’s distribution facilities. In addition to the naming in the photo, the thickness of the boxes of the devices attracted attention. On the other hand, the authenticity of this photo, of course, could not be verified.

So why will Xiaomi skip 13?

Before moving on to the answer to the question, let us remind you from the beginning that there is no certainty on this subject. In addition, there are theories that support this possible decision, as well as those that do not.

The first possibility that comes to mind: Considering the number 13 ‘unlucky’:

In fact, we saw a similar discussion on Apple’s iPhones two years ago. However, Apple refuted all the theories and released its new series with the name “13”. Without any bad luck, he continued to sell the 13 series as a pasha.

Although this possibility is considered to be possible in Xiaomi, there is actually another side to the matter: It is known that only 3% to 4% of the people in China are Christians. Moreover, the number 13 carries the meanings of ‘guaranteed growth’ and ‘absolutely alive’ in Chinese culture and is considered a lucky number.

Next candidate theory: “Let me better challenge Apple”

Xiaomi has been behind Apple in the model name ranking for years. For example, Apple’s newest phone will be the iPhone 14, while Xiaomi’s new phone will be Xiaomi 13. It is stated that this may create the perception of users that Xiaomi’s phone is 1 year older than iPhone. Moreover, this number is not the only company that implements the ‘jump’ strategy.

In the past years, Apple introduced the iPhone 8 and iPhone X (10) at the same time, one year after the iPhone 7, and bypassed the iPhone 9. In fact, considering that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X were introduced at the same time, it can be said that it even partially skipped 8. Samsung, on the other hand, switched directly to the Galaxy Note9 after the big bang(!) phone Galaxy Note7.

Of course, we will only be able to find out if Xiaomi really made such a decision in the coming weeks, probably in December.