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Xerath CT in LoL, Abilities, Strengths and Weaknesses

Xerath, the metaphorical incarnation of energy, is one of the mid laner and bottom laner mages in League of Legends who can stand out with their range.
 Xerath CT in LoL, Abilities, Strengths and Weaknesses
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With much higher range than the average mage, Xerath can play in his lane almost without moving from under his turret. Of course, in addition to the ultimate feature range, it also has some crowd control.

Our character, who makes up for his lack of mobility with his range, turns into a cursed person when you play against him if you ignore the mana problem he experienced in the early stages.

Xerath CTs: Xearth’s strong opponents

  • Zed
  • Fizz
  • Ekko
  • Catarina
  • Kassadin

Since Xerath’s biggest weapon is the range, the characters who can easily get in between with their own weapon can put Xerath in a difficult situation. The simplest example of this is assassin characters. Since the assassin characters have a wide range in terms of mobility, they do not have much trouble closing the distance. Of course, this situation can also explode on Xerath.

All the abilities of Infinite Energy Xerath:

  • Passive / Mana Rush: Xerath’s basic attacks periodically restore Mana.
  • Q / Magic Strike: Fires a long-range energy beam that deals magic damage to all enemies hit.
  • W / Region of Destruction: Creates a massive attack with magic energy, dealing magic damage to all enemies in a certain area. Targets in the middle take bonus damage and inflict a heavier slow.
  • E / Shock Orb: Causes an enemy to take magic damage and be stunned.
  • R / Rite of Magic: Xerath stays still and fires long range shots.

High Mage Xerath’s strengths and weaknesses:

Xerath’s powerful features:

  • Compared to many characters, the range of his abilities is the character’s biggest weapon
  • Ability to support the battle without entering a dangerous position in team battles
  • Being able to adopt the same role in the middle lane and the bottom lane

Xerath is one of the characters that best adopts the role of a mage. Assassins are the character’s fierce enemies, and the return of range is the character’s biggest weapon. Not to mention that he adopts the role of a mage both in the middle lane and in the lower lane. A well-playing Xerath can narrow the bottom lane to players in the “Support” role.

Xerath’s weaknesses:

  • Having trouble with mana in the early phase
  • Characters who can get between them with their range, that is, are successful in closing the distance, are superior to Xerath
  • Since he does not have any ability in the name of mobility, raids can stay in the open position in mid lane or bottom lane

Although Xerath is a character that speaks his range, he cannot fully display this superiority because he has mana problems in the early stage. Characters (usually assassins) who can come between them and their range can tire the character quite a bit. In addition, since he does not have any mobility skills, he can remain in an open position against raids, regardless of which lane he plays.

How to play Xerath in LoL?

  • Xerath’s W inflicts a small amount of slow on enemies, making it much easier to hit other abilities after this ability
  • When using your ultimate ability, it is useful to wait and try to shoot more accurately instead of throwing them one after the other.
  • Since Xerath is a character that has trouble with mobility, it is useful to save your ability to stun your opponents for possible raids.

Although Xerath is a character that stands out with his long range, this range doesn’t matter much if you can’t keep up with your skills. Therefore, it is useful to slow down your opponents with the W ability for more comfortable ability hits. While using your ultimate ability, it is useful to wait and try to shoot more accurately instead of throwing the ultimate one after the other. In addition, it is useful to hide the crowd control ability to avoid the character’s open position against raids.

How to play against Xerath, how to beat Xerath?

  • A character that stands out with its Xerath range. Therefore, you can play by constantly changing your position, making it difficult for your opponent to use their abilities.
  • If you’re playing an ability-based character in very difficult conditions, getting Banshee’s Veil in the early phase will both increase your magic resistance and neutralize the opponent’s first on-hit ability.
  • When playing against Xerath, getting into range combat is pretty pointless. Instead, playing with a character that can close distances quickly or raiding your jungler in conditions where he spends his abilities may have more positive results.

Although Xerath is a long-range character, his main damage source Q ability has a certain hit duration. Therefore, you can change your position by paying attention to when he starts using the ability. If you’re playing a character focused on ability power, the Banshee’s Veil you’ll get at an early stage will be very effective against Xerath. Besides, it’s not very wise to engage in range combat with Xerath. Instead, it may be more useful to play with a character who is good at closing distance, or to request raids from your jungler when Xerath is wasting his abilities.

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