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Words of the German Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer

Arthur Schopenhauer, one of the most important names in the world of German philosophy and later made a name for himself all over the world with his thoughts, also mentored many modern philosophers such as Friedrich Nietzsche. Let's take a closer look at the words of Arthur Schopenhauer that will make you think deeply.
 Words of the German Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer
READING NOW Words of the German Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer

Arthur Schopenhauer, who was born in 1788, left many important ideas behind as an important legacy of his long life when he died in 1860. Stating that the world is based on causality, Schopenhauer also said that these causality are based on mindless principles and are incomprehensible. These thoughts also formed the views of Friedrich Nietzsche.

Arthur Schopenhauer; He interpreted the idealism theory of Plato and Kant, rejected Hegel and saw the source of everything as human will. At one point, it can be said that fatalism predominates in his thoughts. According to him, there is a will that people cannot control, and the body is only an expression of it. Let’s take a closer look at the words of Arthur Schopenhauer that will make you think deeply.

  • Lyrics may vary depending on the publisher and translator.

Arthur Schopenhauer quotes:

Talent hits the target that no one else can hit. Genius hits a target that no one else can see.

Compassion is the foundation of morality.

A man can be himself only as long as he is alone, and if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom. Because only when he is alone is he truly free.

It is mostly losses that teach us the value of things.

The assumption that animals have no rights…

“The assumption that animals have no rights, and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance, is a positively outrageous example of the rudeness and barbarism of the West. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality.

Each person accepts the limits of his field of vision as the limits of the world.

Happiness consists in the frequent repetition of pleasure.

Happiness is hard to find within yourself, but impossible to find elsewhere.

The person who writes for dummies always makes sure that he has a large audience.

Every miserable fool who has nothing to be proud of…

“Every wretched fool who has nothing to be proud of adopts the pride of the last source in the nation he belongs to; He is happy and ready to defend all his faults and stupidities with tooth and nail, thus making up for his own inferiority.

It is necessary to use ordinary words to say extraordinary things.

Compassion for animals is closely related to the goodness of character, and it can be asserted with confidence that one who is cruel to animals cannot be a good person.

When we read, someone else thinks for us…

“When we read, someone else thinks for us. We simply repeat its mental process. While learning to write, the student repeats with his pen what the teacher has outlined in pencil; so is reading, much of the thought work has already been done for us. That’s why it’s comforting to pick up a book after we’ve been busy with our own thoughts. And when reading, the mind is actually just the playground of other people’s thoughts. Thus, if a person spends almost the whole day reading and, by relaxation, takes time out for thoughtless pastime, he gradually loses the capacity to think; just as the man who always rides the horse eventually forgets to walk. This is the case for many educated people. They saw themselves as fools.”

People can do whatever they want, but they can’t want what they want.

The art of not reading is a very important art…

“The art of not reading is a very important art. It is to not be interested in anything that attracts the attention of the general public at any given time. When a political or religious pamphlet, novel, or poem creates a commotion, you must remember that the writer for idiots always finds a wide audience. The prerequisite for reading good books is not to read bad books; because life is short.”

… when you buy books, you optimistically think that you are buying time to read them.

Life is a continuous process of death.

We lose three-quarters of ourselves to become like other people.

The sense of humor is the only sacred quality of man.

A high level of intelligence makes a person unsocial.

The superficial nature of his thoughts…

“As we gain insight into the superficial nature of their thinking, the narrowness of their views, and the number of their mistakes, we will gradually become indifferent to what goes on in other people’s minds. Those who value the opinions of others too highly value them too much.”

If children were born with only a pure mind…

“Would the human race continue to exist if children were born with only a pure mind? Wouldn’t a man choose to sympathize with the next generation enough to free him from the burden of existence, or at least take it upon himself to lay that burden on him in cold blood?

It is wise to be polite; As a result, being rude is a stupid thing. Making enemies with unnecessary and deliberate rudeness is as insane as setting your house on fire.

The thing that bothers and upsets young people…

“What bothers and upsets young people is the pursuit of happiness, with the certain assumption that it must be met in life. From this arises constantly deceived hope and hence dissatisfaction. In our dreams, deceptive images of vague happiness hover before us, and we seek in vain for their origins. Much could have been gained if the misconception that the world had much to offer them could be erased from the minds of young people through timely advice and education.”

It would be better if nothing…

‘It would have been better if nothing had happened. Because there is more pain than pleasure on earth, any satisfaction is only temporary. It creates new desires and new afflictions, and the agony of the devouring animal is always greater than the delight of the devourer.

Treat a work of art like a prince: let it speak to you first.

Great men are like eagles and build their nests on lofty solitude.

The problem, then, is not to see what no one has seen yet, but to think that no one has yet thought about what everyone sees.

Life swings back and forth like a pendulum between pain and boredom.

Without books, the development of civilization would be impossible.

“Without books, the development of civilization would be impossible. The engines of change are windows to the world, “lighthouses erected in the sea of ​​time,” as the poet says. They are friends, teachers, magicians, bankers of the mind’s treasures. Books are printed humanity.’

There is no rose without thorns, there are many thorns without roses.

Hope is the confusion of desire for something with the possibility of it happening.

We may view our life as an unnecessarily disturbing episode in the blissful rest of nothingness.

To marry is to halve one’s rights and double one’s duties.

Human life must be some kind of mistake…

“Human life must be some kind of mistake. The truth of this will be clear enough only if we remember that man is a complex combination of needs and obligations that are difficult to satisfy, and even when they are satisfied, all they achieve is a state of painlessness in which nothing remains but abandonment to boredom.

I haven’t said my last word about women yet…

“I haven’t said my last word about women yet. I believe that if a woman manages to withdraw from the mass, or rather to elevate herself above the mass, she will grow steadily and more than a man.

The indescribable depth of music…

“The indescribable depth of music is the reason why it is so easy to understand and so incomprehensible because it reproduces all the emotions of our innermost being, but it is completely far from reality and pain.”

The safest way not to be very unhappy is to not expect to be very happy.

Every separation is a foretaste of death, every reunion is a hint of resurrection.

The life of each individual, taken as a whole and in general, is truly a tragedy when only its most important features are emphasized, but comedy in detail.

We have listed some of the words of the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, who left important traces in the world of philosophy with his extraordinary thoughts, that will make you think deeply. Of course, this list could have been much longer. You can share your favorite Schopenhauer words in the comments.

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