With Web 3.0, artificial intelligence will make decisions instead of humans

In the internet world research prepared by GOOINN, the subject of where digital marketing will evolve was examined. Many things will change in our lives with Web 3.0.
 With Web 3.0, artificial intelligence will make decisions instead of humans
READING NOW With Web 3.0, artificial intelligence will make decisions instead of humans

GOOINN, which examines today’s trend sectors and prepares comprehensive reports that will shed light on the future of these sectors, revealed the future of the digital marketing world with all its aspects with its research. With Web 3.0, there will be less focus on keywords, and instead, applications that will highlight the multimedia content that understand the needs and queries of the users will be implemented.

In the research on “The Impact of Web 3.0 on Digital Marketing” conducted by GOOINN and reported extensively; With the new generation web 3.0 integrated system, there will be a decrease in “Near Me” queries and geolocation and behavioral data will be evaluated automatically. This will provide results that match users’ interests. In the report, which also states that voice searches will increase, users will start to use digital assistants more and it will become important to optimize long specific queries. For example, instead of a general search for “Diabetes”, “How do I know if I have diabetes?” search for a specific question, such as

AI will make decisions for humans

The most important trend in Web 3.0 will be the proliferation of machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms. In this case, the system that will take the place of people’s decision-making will begin to take place in daily life without being noticed. In the announced GOOINN report, it was emphasized that new technologies would improve the simplest tasks in human life and said;

“Next generation systems have become powerful enough to create life-saving predictions and actions. Machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies, which have started to radically change the way we live today, will be able to access huge amounts of data when built on decentralized data structures. Edge computing will break new ground by allowing the power to process data from anywhere. Web 2.0 has led to profound changes in human life with the effect of social networks, cloud computing and mobile technology. It is a fact that Web 3.0 will create a great social change. It is predicted that artificial intelligence will completely change labor markets, decentralization will restructure entire societies, and edge computing will allow supercomputers to process power from anywhere. The distributed ledger is driven by components of blockchain technologies such as digital wallets, smart contracts, and NFTs. Social media blockchain solutions, in particular, will allow creators to print, sell and get paid for their content. Web 3.0, blockchain applications and NFTs will be the agents that enable the integration of Metaverse with the real world.”

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