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With iOS 16, iPhones are getting an unprecedented “green” charging feature

The Clean Energy Charge feature, which is included in the iOS 16 update but will be available in the future, checks whether your network uses alternative energy.
 With iOS 16, iPhones are getting an unprecedented “green” charging feature
READING NOW With iOS 16, iPhones are getting an unprecedented “green” charging feature

Recently, the disasters brought to the world by global warming and climate crisis have started to come to the fore. Giant manufacturers also aim to show that they are working towards protecting the Earth with different environmental responsibility projects. Apple is about to sign an interesting project.

Clean energy era begins with iOS 16

No official statement has been made by Apple about Clean Energy Charging to date, but for the first time in the iOS 16 press release, information about this feature was given, albeit in a footnote. According to the information provided by Apple, Clean Energy Charge detects whether the electrical network in which the iOS device is plugged in is utilizing alternative energy. Accordingly, it prioritizes charging times.

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added 2 days ago

This feature is speculated to be part of the Optimized Battery Charge feature. The optimized charging feature comes into play when the user leaves the device on charge for a long time and leaves the battery at 80 percent. According to the learned behavior of the user, it starts the current again before it is removed from the charge, increasing it to 100 percent.

In short, Clean Energy Charging can be defined as Apple scanning alternative energy sources in the area where the user lives and detecting whether it is used in the network and matching the charging times of the iOS device to this usage period.

It is not yet known when the Clean Energy Charge will be available, but it is stated that it will only be used in the USA. There will probably be an integration with Apple’s electricity distribution networks. I wonder if this is the case for other countries as well.

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