‘Wireless Update’ Feature Released for PS5 DualSense

Sony has solved one of the biggest problems of PlayStation 5 owners. DualSense, the controller of PlayStation 5, can now be updated wirelessly. Yes, DualSense, which can connect everything wirelessly even to headphones, could not be updated wirelessly until today...
 ‘Wireless Update’ Feature Released for PS5 DualSense
READING NOW ‘Wireless Update’ Feature Released for PS5 DualSense

Japan-based technology giant Sony has revolutionized the gaming world with the PlayStation 5, which it launched in 2020. On the one hand, the ceiling quality in games, on the other hand, the new joystick named DualSense started the ‘next generation’ gaming era. However, DualSense had an important shortcoming. Unfortunately, software updates to the player controller could not be made wirelessly. Console owners had to set up a wired connection for the update. Although this may seem like a minor problem, it means that you have to get up and connect DualSense to PS5 with a cable when you are about to start enjoying the game, wait for it to update and then return to your place. A little too old technology in an age where we can even control the kettle from a smartphone…

Listening to the voices of the players, Sony finally took a step on this issue. Sony, which released a new software update for PlayStation 5, allowed DualSense to be updated wirelessly with this update. Users are now freed from the need for wired updates, which they have had problems with for years.

The feature on Xbox finally came to PlayStation 5

Sony has only one competitor in the console industry and that is Microsoft. The US technology giant had already presented wireless controller updates for Xbox. At the point we have reached today, one of the biggest shortcomings of PlayStation 5 from the new generation Xbox has been eliminated.

The fact that DualSense will be updated wirelessly seems to improve users’ experience. Users will no longer experience the problems they used to experience.

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