Neil Druckmann, the creator of The Last of Us, spoke about the sequel to playing. Speaking at the DICE summit last week, Druckmann stressed that the sequel does not require great self -confidence ,, contrary to popular belief.
Neil Druckmann spoke about The Last of Us Series
Neil Druckmann said his approach to sequel is different. He said that he was completely focused on the project he is currently working on, and that thinking about sequel games could bring bad luck while he was still in a game development stage.

The Last of Us Part 2 came to mind that ideas about the possibility of continuing from time to time. However, he said he always moves with what he wants to make different games. For this reason, he said he was trying to include every good idea in the game.

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Druckmann, the idea of the sequel to the past games, the characters and the story of the story of evaluating where he said. He said he didn’t hesitate to get out of the story if he didn’t see a logical progress in the story of the characters.
Druckmann, who gave an example of the Uncharted series, announced that they did not plan the plot in the next games or Nathan Drake’s adventures in advance. He stated that they have developed new ideas from scratch for each new game. Accordingly, if they cannot find the potential to tell a new story, they added that they have questioned whether the right time for the character or game series has come.
Referring to the possibility of The Last of Us Part 3, Druckmann stated that he had a story draft in 2021, but he was not yet in the stage of development.