In fact, many water was green years ago. Later, he tended to be blue and took on the shades of blue.
In the near future, the return will be waiting for us. The reasons are quite controversial.
Compared to the research, the blue oceans will probably return to green due to the evolution of cyanobacteria.
Cyanobacteria is a type of bacteria that feeds through photosynthesis and provides vital oxygen to the atmosphere. In addition, behind the color changes in the oceans; There are changes and transformations in marine ecosystems, climate change and more variety of factors.
In addition, apart from all these reasons, the main reason why the oceans return to green seems to be phytoplanktons. Phytoplankons have valuable roles in the production of microscopic sea creatures and oxygen, carbon cycle, and food chain in the seas.
In fact, thanks to their vital roles, ocean efficiency increases.
The chlorophyll, which is also located in the structure of phytoplanktons, also contributes to the return of ocean and sea waters to green. In fact, the chlorophylls are now responsible for the striking color changes observed.
However, the only and precise reason for the greening of water compared to the human beings may not be phytoplanktons. Because climate changes are likely to contribute to color change.
In addition, with the warming of the water, various changes in sea ecosystems are likely to trigger this color transformation.
On the other hand, the green oceans in the past years mean that the waters were extremely pure and that they had dwelling to many living things.
But nowadays, this change does not mean that the oceans and seas are returned to healthy conditions. On the contrary, there are climate changes and human activities in the middle of these color changes.
Of course, all these are strong possibilities. We will experience and research and see what the water will lead to green color.