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Why is the Age Difference in Relationships Preferred?

There is an age gap between many of the couples we still see today. Have you ever wondered why? Why do women prefer older men? Or vice versa, why do men prefer women younger than themselves? In this article, we investigated the reasons for this and told you about it.
 Why is the Age Difference in Relationships Preferred?
READING NOW Why is the Age Difference in Relationships Preferred?

We all want to find our other half and be happy. So when the time comes, every man and woman wants to find their dream wife and marry her. So why do women prefer older men in their relationships? Men, women younger than themselves? Today we will approach this issue from a scientific point of view.

Before we talk about this issue, we should also mention that we share with you the conclusions and summary we have made as far as we have researched from various sources such as the writings of psychologists and scientific research. Although the information we will give below is based on scientific research and inferences, it is not a mere fact valid for every individual. Therefore, this content deals with an existing and frequently encountered phenomenon; We want you to know that this does not mean that it applies to everyone.

The range of partner age preference varies by gender

Many studies have examined the life partner age preferences of men and women and/or the age of their sex partners. Articles written after the Kenrick and Keefe (1992) experiments say that the age preferences of men and women in their partners have different developmental trajectories. As a person gets older, their preferences tend to change, and the choice of ‘older man’ and ‘younger woman’ may also change over time. Generally, age selection increases with increasing age.

The magnitude of this increase differs between the sexes. For women, one more year of aging itself corresponds to a similar increase in the age of desired wives. According to studies, women tend to prefer partners who are close to them or slightly older than themselves. Men, on the other hand, have a smaller increase in the age of their desirable partner as they get older, as they age faster than their desired partner.

Why are men attracted to women younger than them?

In fact, according to research, younger men under the age of 20, older partners are more attracted to them. But as the man gets older, they still crave women in their 20s. Although they are attracted to older women when they are young, men become more attracted to younger women when they get older.

Heterosexual men’s partner preferences are women in their 20s, this age is associated with women being at the high fertility stage and being in the period of highest mating desire. So this is an evolutionary consequence. The risk of miscarriage and chromosomal abnormality (hereditary diseases) in the baby is approximately 10 times higher for mothers aged 40 than for mothers aged 25 years.

Therefore, the age of a female partner is associated with men’s concerns about reproduction and the health of the child to be born from this reproduction. Men who prefer to be with women who are older or the same age as themselves, have the instinct of not being able to carry their next generation to the future.

Why are women attracted to older men?

According to scientific studies, heterosexual women’s interest in older men also includes instinctive and genetic concerns similar to the instinctive attraction of men to younger women. Accordingly, older men are instinctively evaluated as genetically stronger and healthier by women. The genetic strength of a man ‘at that age’ and still healthy causes women to gravitate towards those men.

In this thought, ‘strong and young’ men also come into the equation, but it is uncertain whether a young man’s ‘power’ will continue, the possibility of these men being less healthy and weak in later ages, again the situation that pushes women to older men is happening.

Just as a female peacock chooses the stronger and more majestic peacock, this basic logic can also show itself instinctively for humans to continue their species. But of course, modern man’s definitions of power and reproduction are no longer exactly the same as in the past; therefore, it is worth repeating that these behaviors are valid for ‘everyone’ and are not the only reality.

Studies also show that the age equation in relationships is generally shaped by women’s preferences. This is the one we see innumerable examples in nature; the mate points to a very similar scenario with the female’s selection behavior.

To summarize:

Regardless of age, women prefer older partners, while men, regardless of age, prefer women in their 20s. While men prefer women younger than themselves to reproduce, the reason why women prefer older men is attributed to the behavior of genetic health and continuation of strength.

If we leave the science aside and finish our article: The time we are in right now is a time when we need to learn that the age difference in relationships is not something to be ashamed of or considered strange. Obviously we have bigger and real problems, so we should be able to see their smiles and their true love and be happy instead of stoning the age gap couples. Be happy guys!

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