Why Is Beef Gelatin Found in Most Confectionery?

Why Is Beef Gelatin Found in Most Confectionery?

The subject we will discuss in this article is beef gelatin, which is used in the production of almost all confectionery and in the cosmetics industry. Beef gelatin plays a leading role in both the food and cosmetics sectors in our country and in the world. The main reason for the use of bovine gelatin in the cosmetics industry is that this substance is essentially a collagen. Bovine gelatin, a collagen supplement, is used to increase the rate of collagen in both skin and hair care products. Let’s take a look at what beef gelatin is and whether it is beneficial or harmful.

What Is Beef Gelatin?

Beef gelatin is a cooked type of collagen and pure collagen is a source of protein. It is generally found in powder form and is used extensively in dessert making and ready-made confectionery, as it intensifies its consistency when it reacts with liquid.

Beef gelatin is also an important product for the cosmetics industry, as it also contains fragmented protein. Since the protein it contains is known to be beneficial in skin care products, you can come across this substance in the products of many brands on the market.

How to Obtain Beef Gelatin?

Although most of us have heard the name for the first time, beef gelatin, which is somehow in our lives, is obtained from cattle, as you can understand from the name. To obtain this substance, the bones, skins and tissues of cattle are used. In order to keep these obtained parts away from bacteria, a cleaning process is applied with sodium bicarbonate or caustic lime.

When the cleaning process is over, the next step is to boil these parts in hot water. However, this boiling process is done for 48 hours with the help of special devices. With this boiling process, substances similar to adipose tissue are seen in the water. When the boiling is completed, the raw materials in the water are removed and the material resembling adipose tissue is separated from the raw material with the help of a filter. At the end of the day, beef gelatin is obtained.

In Which Areas Is Beef Gelatin Used?

Beef gelatin is found in many parts of our lives, especially in packaged foods, desserts and cosmetics. Beef gelatin, which is also a source of collagen protein because it is a purely animal source, has many surprising functions.

When we said food and cosmetics sector, we used very general titles. However, contrary to popular belief, it is used not only in desserts and skin care products, but also in preventing the formation of ice crystals in frozen foods, while preventing the foaming of beverages and increasing their consistency. It is known that the beef gelatin used in our country is purchased from Pakistan.

In Which Foods Is Beef Gelatin Found?

Beef gelatin, which has a place even in industrial studies, is used in a very large part of the food industry. This substance is used extensively in chocolates, carbonated drinks and even Turkish delight that we love to eat. In addition, almost all packaged confectionery has the signature of this substance. In addition to increasing the consistency, beef gelatin is also a very effective substance for prolonging the life of beverages.

Benefits and Harms of Bovine Gelatin

Although it may seem harmful at first glance, beef gelatin is not so evil. If we do not shy away from any packaged food we consume in our daily lives, we have no reason to shy away from beef gelatin. Let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of this substance.

Contributes to skin health:

Bovine gelatin, a natural collagen protein, is frequently preferred in skin care products for exactly the reason. This collagen, which is preferred in anti-aging products, prevents the skin from drying out and the formation of wrinkles, and these benefits have been scientifically proven. In addition, although it is said to be good for acne and other skin diseases on the skin, there is no scientific source on this subject.

Combats joint pain:

The collagen contained in bovine gelatin helps to maintain the structural integrity of the cartilages in our body. It has been scientifically proven that when the collagen in the body decreases, it invites joint disorders. In the same context, it is known that this collagen plays a role in reducing joint pain.

Supports bone health:

Most of the bones in our body are made up of collagen. This reveals the fact that collagen support is good for bone health. It has been determined that as we age, the collagen in the body decreases and with it, bone health is damaged. In a study, when a group that took collagen supplements was compared with a group that did not, a 7% increase was observed in the mineral density of the bones of the group that took the supplement.

Contributes to muscle development:

Between 1% and 10% of the muscle mass in the human body is made up of collagen. This collagen protein is one of the most essential elements for muscles to stay strong and develop. With the researches, it was learned that the muscle loss that occurs in later ages is slowed down by collagen supplementation. In the study conducted with a group of 27 men for 12 weeks, a routine daily exercise program was applied to the subjects. In addition to this program, each of them was supplemented with 15 grams of collagen, and a much faster increase in muscle mass was observed compared to normal.

Supports heart health:

Another research on the collagen contained in bovine gelatin is about heart health. Studies have shown that collagen supplementation is required in order to strengthen the blood carrier vessels in the heart’s structure. It is possible to say that a person whose collagen rate decreases in his body is a few steps closer to heart diseases.

As the powdered beef gelatin loses its nutritional value, its harms may come to light:

Beef gelatin, whose numerous benefits have been scientifically proven, owes these benefits to the collagen in it. However, since the bovine gelatin used in the food industry is processed, the amount of collagen in it decreases significantly and invites intestinal diseases in the long term. In order to understand the benefits and harms of beef gelatin correctly, we need to pay attention to the form in which it is used.