Why does the sky take an orange color during sunrise and sunset?

Why does the sky take an orange color during sunrise and sunset?

This color is a reflection of a peace and a magical atmosphere for everyone without exception. Redness, which we cannot get enough of, is based on a very different reason than the color of the Sun.

What can be the main reason for the red color that prevails at the sky at sunset and birth?

In the daytime, we see the Sun in lighter tones.

In an open weather, the sun appears in light colors, while the weather becomes dark, that is, when the sun begins to withdraw from the sky, an unbearable orange color provides domination. In fact, the emergence of this color is about light.

The light of the color from the Sun is actually white. The other colors that make up the white light are broken with different angles as they pass through the prism. Purple-blue rays, which have a short wavelength length, break with larger angles orange-red rays, which have a short wavelength length, are broken with smaller angles.

So what do these colors have to do with the sky appearing orange?

Since the blue and purple light is short, the wavelength is short in the air by solid particles and molecules. When the sun is at the top, we see the sky blue. In the moments of birth and sinking when the Sun is close to the horizon, the rays, red and orange rays, reach our eyes more.

Sunlight begins to disintegrate by bending as it passes through gas layers with different densities. The particles in the air also cause reflection of the scattered light. That is why when the blue and purple colors dispersed, the sky at sunset and sunrise becomes an orange color.

In other words, this fascinating color that covers the sky is a perfect formed by the reflection of the sun’s rays.

Sources: 1, 2, 3