Why Do People Sometimes Get Sad for No Reason?

You can see that people usually experience the feeling of sadness when they lose a loved one or when they receive bad news. Even negative emotions, such as being disappointed, can cause sadness. These are the known causes of sadness. There is also an unexplained feeling of sadness that makes it difficult for some.
 Why Do People Sometimes Get Sad for No Reason?
READING NOW Why Do People Sometimes Get Sad for No Reason?

Have you ever thought about the reasons why this feeling of sadness sometimes comes for no reason and ruins your whole day?

Come on, let’s take a look at the causes of this type of sadness, which is a very annoying situation and feels from time to time.

Depression may be the reason for that sadness that comes and falls on you with an air of gloom for no reason.

It is known that people with depression have a sadness that they cannot get over, even if they are not sad. This is one of the main symptoms of depression.

However, if depression is the cause of your unexplained sadness, you will always feel sad. In other words, we can say that your sadness becomes more frequent and permanent after a certain period of time. Of course, if you are depressed, do not rush to diagnose yourself as ‘I’m sorry, then I’m depressed’ as you will need other symptoms besides the sadness that has become permanent in your life; Remember that you need to see a doctor for a diagnosis anyway.

If you get upset from time to time for no reason, maybe you’re just a mood swinger.

If you are someone who suddenly feels sad, you may be experiencing rapid changes in your mood. For example, it is known that people with bipolar disorder go through periods of mania and hypomania. People with this disorder may experience sudden episodes of depression after these periods.

Still, it must be said that not all mood swingers are bipolar. For example, let’s not forget that there are also people who are characteristically happy, sad and stagnant. Let’s say you are a sensitive person and have a very developed sense of empathy, then it may become your temperament to be sad as you will be more sensitive to most things you encounter during the socialization process.

The problem of trust in the external environment and personal traumatic experiences may lie behind the frequent feeling of sadness.

Someone who cannot trust anyone easily can feel a deep melancholy inside. Therefore, sadness can become a part of this person’s life. Especially if you are someone who does not trust people very much, it is normal to feel sad despite the uncertain course of human relations.

When you trust someone, the lack of return of that trust can eventually lead to a feeling of sadness, and for someone who experiences this frequently, it may be inevitable for the sadness to become permanent. Thus, it can be seen that the person experiencing this problem isolates himself from social life. In fact, it is among the situations that we often encounter that most people with broken trust try to isolate themselves by avoiding contact with people. Also, when people have traumatic experiences in their childhood, they can get stuck on the ‘feel’ left by the trauma experience; This feeling can often be an unexplained sadness caused by the traumatized person’s self-blame for what they’ve been through.

Seasons can hurt too!

Your sadness may be due to the shorter days. For example, in spring and summer, it is seen that people feel better on sunny and long days. When we come to the autumn and winter months, is it because of the gloom of the weather, the energies drop a little more. Starting to have cold days during these seasons can lead to seasonal affective disorder that occurs with the seasons. Likewise, we can say that this usually leads to sadness and sadness.

Sources: 1, 2

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