Why Do Mosquito Swarms Fly Over Our Heads?

Do you think you know enough about mosquitoes that turn hot summer days into nightmares? After giving the information that these strange creatures are at the top of the list of animals that kill people the most, the subject we will talk about in a moment can broaden your horizons even more.
 Why Do Mosquito Swarms Fly Over Our Heads?
READING NOW Why Do Mosquito Swarms Fly Over Our Heads?

All of us have encountered a swarm of mosquitoes at least once in our lives. These flocks, which are mostly seen in summer evenings, usually fly above our heads. There are many reasons for this movement, which we cannot understand!

When you see a swarm of mosquitoes lurking above your head, repelling can sometimes become a very arduous task. Although we see this movement only in mosquitoes, it doesn’t seem like that in the animal kingdom.

Most flying insects do this head-flying ritual, which is not actually a mosquito-specific behavior.

This swarming situation, which we encounter only in mosquitoes in summer, is seen in almost all flying insects, even if we cannot see them. According to research, there are several reasons for these movements.

The increase in the amount of heat, carbon dioxide and odor emitted from our body after a physical activity makes us more attractive to them.

The heat and smell emanating from our bodies trigger this movement. Especially the sensors in the bodies of female mosquitoes enable them to notice the heat, odor and carbon dioxide emitted in the human body. A mosquito that sees these signs understands that it has found food.

For those who sweat a lot, we have bad news. Especially the chemical “octenol” found in human sweat is something mosquitoes love.

Octenol is an indispensable target for these creatures, which are sensitive to chemical substances emitted by the human body. Therefore, if we encounter such a flock at a time when our bodies are very active during the summer months, remember that you seem to be a delicious meal for them.

Products such as gel and spray that we apply to our hair are also very attractive to flies.

We know that our head emits enough heat, and on top of that, the amount of heat emitted from products such as spray and jelly increases. At the same time, hair, which has the highest ability to preserve the body’s sweat smell, is an incomparable blessing for flies.

These situations that we have enumerated were things that human beings naturally develop. There is also the mating ritual dimension.

We are not always the cause of the group of mosquitoes hovering over our heads. Male flies primarily form a male-only swarm to mate. A female is expected to enter this flock, which generally flies on a tree or a rock. If the expected moment has come, the most suitable one for mating is the fast fly.

Although inanimate objects are generally preferred for this ritual, these strange creatures can also choose the top of a person’s head. If you see a swarm of cheeky flies on your head that don’t go away even if you chase them away, know that they are a group trying to continue their lineage.

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