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Why Do Cats Shake Their Butts When Making Moves?

Cats that are supposed to look frightening while swooping down on their prey can never be frightening as they wiggle their asses. So what could be the reason for the gesture that makes them look so cute?
 Why Do Cats Shake Their Butts When Making Moves?
READING NOW Why Do Cats Shake Their Butts When Making Moves?

Although cats generally like to do this cute gesture while playing games, they can also do it while hunting. So what could be the reason for this “big secret”? After all, the mysteries about cats are endless.

The exact reason for this famous move is unknown, although experts have a few theories about the butt-shaking movement.

It is thought that they did it to strengthen the fixation between their hind paws and the ground. The main reason for this is the effort to strengthen their jumps.

By creating a traction force between their hind legs and the ground, they fix themselves like nails on a point and shoot like arrows using their paws. An evolutionary advantage that has been passed on to their genes for generations, demonstrating their ability to focus.

Another theory is about how safe the ground is.

It is also thought that by putting their weight on their hind paws, they help them understand whether the ground they are on is suitable for jumping.

The excitement factor is another of the theories of the experts. Cats love to hunt and their excitement levels skyrocket. So a little wiggle helps them shed some of their excess energy before attacking their prey.

It also provides an advantage for cats, as it creates an aerobic warm-up. They can hunt so well because their muscles are flexed before jumping on their prey.

There is no official study on this yet, but these are the most likely causes for now, according to John Hutchinson, professor of evolutionary biomechanics at the Royal Veterinary College in London.

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