Why and How Do Bruises Occur on the Body?

When we hit something or receive a blow, bruises occur on our body. What is the main cause of bruises that persist for days or even weeks?
 Why and How Do Bruises Occur on the Body?
READING NOW Why and How Do Bruises Occur on the Body?

When you get hit as a result of hitting something, fighting, etc., you see the bruised area of ​​the damaged area? Have you ever thought about what could be the reason for this? Why do bruises appear on your body after a hard blow?

As a matter of fact, every part of our body needs blood. For this reason, there are thin capillaries radiating from large veins. Just like the streets that leave the main streets of a city and allow us to reach the houses. Today we will look at the cause of bruising on your body and how the process works.

Why does the physical hit area turn bruised?

Actually, there is a very, very simple explanation for bruises on the body: When you hit any area, the capillaries under the skin are damaged. As a result of this damage, blood begins to leak into the soft tissue under the skin and bruises form. When viewed from the outside, these bruises are seen as bruising and rotting. After the accident, the bruise will turn into a different color from day to day. So what’s the reason for this?

How does the healing process of the moraran region proceed?

The blood leaking into the soft tissue through capillaries begins to be absorbed by the body over time. In this process, the substances in the blood are assimilated and removed. As the substances are absorbed, the color of the bruise begins to change. In the first stage, the iron-rich hemoglobin protein in the blood gives the bruise a red appearance. In this process, the wound is tender and quite swollen. This protein breaks down within one to two days to release iron. After that, the injured area turns a purple color. The bruise, which remains purple for a while, turns green within 1 week. When it turns green, the period when the wound starts to heal is entered. In the following week, the injured area turns yellow and brown. The area that turns brown now enters the final stage of the healing process.

King’s College London physician Carsten Flohr says: “Red blood cells die when they enter the surrounding tissues and activate the immune system. Cells called phagocytes also engulf them and digest hemoglobin. “It’s the hemoglobin substance that causes it to turn green and then brown. This transformation takes two weeks.”

Although this process usually takes 2 weeks, it is expected to take up to 4 weeks in some severe injuries. In addition, bruises on the legs and arms heal later than other parts of the body.

What needs to be done to heal the bruise area faster?

In order for the bruise to heal faster, first of all, it is necessary to act quickly in the first stage. It is very important to stop the bleeding of the capillaries when the accident first occurs. At this point, you can apply ice to the bruised area. You can also lower blood pressure by keeping the injured area above the level of the heart. From the second day of the formation of the bruise, you can apply a hot compress to the bruised area for 10 – 20 minutes every day to increase circulation and distribute the collected blood.

If the bruises, especially caused by serious blows around the eyes and joints, continue to grow or ache after 1-2 days, you should consult a doctor.

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