When you see the effects of this harmful substance that turns people into zombies, you will say “Why does a person do this to himself”! [18+]

When you see the effects of this harmful substance that turns people into zombies, you will say “Why does a person do this to himself”!  [18+]

Unfortunately, although we have become accustomed to the images of ‘human turning into a zombie’ on social media every year, similar new drugs continue to emerge day by day.

A person shooting in the Philadelphia region of the USA recorded images that did not look like The Walking Dead scene. While there were reactions to the images where some of them could not even stand and some of them lay in the middle of the street as if they were dead, it was also wondered why these people were in this state.

Note: Images in this content may be objectionable for sensitive people.

So how did these people end up like this?

What people use in these images is some kind of animal tranquilizer. substance called “Xylazine” (originally Xylazine); It is a drug used by veterinarians to calm cattle such as horses, cows and donkeys, relaxes the muscles and creates an anesthetic effect depending on the dose. It has about 80 times more calming effects than morphine. For this reason, it can cause very serious side effects in humans.

People who use it can’t move, don’t react to anything and even seem to sleep standing up because Xylazine is also a very powerful muscle relaxant. So actually, these people don’t stay that way voluntarily; they are too numb to really move from their place.

The biggest problem is that this substance is easily accessible and cheap.

This substance, which is used to calm animals, is easily accessible in many countries. This is one of the reasons why its use is so common in the USA. Because it can be ordered online by veterinarians and the price is very cheap.

Of course, we said that it can only be ordered by veterinarians, but it is not difficult to guess that all these people are not veterinarians. In other words, people somehow find a way to reach this substance, albeit illegally. And without even thinking about the consequences…

What happens if a person uses animal tranquilizers?

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Using xylazine literally rots the human body from the inside out. In the image above, you can see the wounds on the body of a person who used Xylazine. Unfortunately, this image is only a small part of what matter does to the human body.

As the substance use continues, these wounds reach much more serious dimensions, causing tissue loss, bruising and darkening of the skin. The wounds on the skin cannot heal, and even worse, as the substance use continues, it becomes difficult to obtain successful results in the treatments applied to the wounds.

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Darkening of a part of your body means that all the tissue in that area has been damaged and even your cells have died. Therefore, in such wounds that progress and cause more tissue to die, limbs may need to be amputated. You can also think of the injuries caused by the substance as a ‘gangrene’.

People who use this substance give up a part of their body or their lives for this numbness they experience. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world die every year due to this and similar drug derivatives.

Just as when we are going to have an operation, we are subjected to some tests and given anesthesia at the appropriate dose; same goes for animals. The substance called xylazine should only be used under the supervision of a veterinarian, at the appropriate dose and only “on animals”. Its use in humans is extremely dangerous and deadly.