When You Find Out Where The Leftovers Of Used Hotel Soaps Go, You Won’t Want To Take Them Home!

When You Find Out Where The Leftovers Of Used Hotel Soaps Go, You Won’t Want To Take Them Home!

Of course, it is not possible to offer used products to new customers. Don’t you think it is quite unreasonable to throw away the bar soaps, which can be used tens of times, because they are used only a few times?

Fortunately, one of us has managed to put a stop to this invisible waste!

Shawn Seipler’s project, which creates a non-profit organization that recycles various hygiene products along with soaps, begins with his job, staying in approximately 150 different hotel rooms per year.

One day, while leaving a hotel room where he was staying for a short time, Shawn was wondering what happened to the soaps he left behind and used very little, and asked the hotel manager what happened to the waste soaps and learned that they were sent to the trash.

Aware of the fact that some countries have very little access to hygiene products, Shawn Seipler did not like this response and considered it a huge waste.

So Shawn started a small company called Clean the World in Florida in 2019 and started collecting waste soap with a single truck.

Along with a few potato peelers and meat grinders, he found a way to turn ground soap bars into sterile soaps with a cooker, along with his two companions. In this way, Shawn aimed to be able to donate to families around the world who did not have access to soap.

In this way, it would contribute to the prevention of many diseases, especially pneumonia and diarrhea, which cause the death of approximately 1.5 million children, especially under the age of 5, but can be prevented by hand washing.

This project of the Clean the World company has succeeded in distributing more than 50 million bars of soap to a large number of people in about 127 countries since 2009.

Over time, this journey started with a transport truck and has grown rapidly to become recycling facilities in Las Vegas, Dominica, Canada, United Kingdom, Orlando, India, Montreal and Hong Kong.

In addition, Clean the World has collaborated with approximately 8,000 hotels, including world-famous hotels such as Hilton, Marriott and Walt Disney World. In addition, Hilton joined forces with Clean the World in March 2019, and this hotel donated 2 million pounds of toiletries in its first 7 months, contributing to the recycling of 7.6 million bars of soap.

Everything is good so far, but there is a problem. How can something that cleans be cleaned?

Clean the World company; He started to work by training the staff of the hotels he had agreements with in order to collect the waste soap in accordance with the hygiene rules and to contribute to the recycling process.

Cleaners are asked to put used solid soaps and shampoo bottles in special boxes. These boxes are then brought to Clean the World’s nearest recycling facilities in the area, where these hygiene products are sorted by type before starting the first stage of the recycling process.

First of all, the surface cleaning is done, and then the soap bars are sent to the sterilization machines. Soaps that take the form of sticks are ground and enter the forming machines after a thorough cleaning. Newly created soap bars are boxed and distributed to people in need all over the world.

Clean the World continues to make various donations with hygiene kits as well as soaps.

The company is very successful in collecting half-used shampoo, conditioner and shower gel bottles and cleaning these bottles in a few steps. Clean the World, which foresees that soap production and distribution will not be sufficient in terms of hygiene; It continues to help with hygiene kits consisting of toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, shower gel, conditioner and disinfectant.

In addition, Hilton has pledged to prevent all soap from going to waste and contribute to recycling by 2030. The company, which has managed to prevent 20 million pounds of hotel waste from polluting North American landfills since its founding, still continues to make deals with many hotels and continues to recycle all hygiene products as well as soaps.

Sources: Traveland Leisure, Brightly, Travel Codex, Insider, Clean the World