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When Turkovac Will Go into Mass Production Has Been Announced

President Erdoğan made new statements about the domestic coronavirus vaccine Turkovac. Stating that the vaccine will be put into mass production as soon as possible and put at the service of humanity, Erdoğan once again emphasized 'sharing'. Health Minister Fahrettin Koca gave a very clear date on the vaccine.
 When Turkovac Will Go into Mass Production Has Been Announced
READING NOW When Turkovac Will Go into Mass Production Has Been Announced

A new statement was made about the coronavirus vaccine named Turkovac, developed by Erciyes University and whose phase studies are still ongoing. The owner of these statements was President Erdogan. In the statements made on the subject, a new estimate was made about when the vaccine will go into mass production.

Renewing the statement he made in previous periods, Erdogan said, “We are committed to putting Turkovac and other national vaccine candidates into mass production as soon as possible and making them available to all humanity.” So what was meant by this shortest time? Because in the previous statements, the date has been given many times for the domestic coronavirus vaccine. What has changed this time?

Minister of Health: If it gets approval, it will start mass production in October

Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca, who made a statement on the subject in the past days, said, “We will start mass production in October if it gets approval for the domestic coronavirus vaccine.” It is possible to say that everything is clearer this time. The absence of any side effect reports for the ongoing vaccine is a clear indication that the end of the road has been reached.

In other statements made by President Erdoğan, the emphasis was placed on sharing. “Supporting the access of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups to vaccines, diagnosis, treatment and personal protection tools is both a universal right to health and a moral imperative. Income differences between countries should not hinder access to vaccines and the right to health. It is vital to ensure maximum international cooperation and solidarity in this regard. It is important. A fair, scientific and humanitarian approach requires it. With this understanding, we delivered medical equipment and other critical materials needed in the fight against the epidemic to 159 countries and 12 international organizations. We shared some of the vaccines we supplied from other countries with demanding countries. We are very close to the target of 70 percent in the rate of second-dose vaccination in our population above the age of seven,” said Erdogan, signaling once again that the vaccine will be shared with the states that are in difficulties.

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