A new feature that WhatsApp, the world’s most popular instant messaging application, is working on, appeared in the desktop beta version of the application. In fact, this feature was also seen under development in iOS and Android beta versions a few months ago, but there was no development after that.
The new feature that WhatsApp is working on will allow the platform to send messages directly to users. Thanks to this feature, users will probably be instantly informed of new developments regarding WhatsApp. Yes, WhatsApp’s biggest competitor, Telegram, has been offering the same feature for years.
Here’s what WhatsApp’s new feature looks like
This time, the feature that we encounter in the desktop beta version will appear as the official chat page of WhatsApp. Fortunately, users will make the final decision about this chat themselves. Users who wish will be able to use the block or mute option to stop receiving messages from WhatsApp.
How does this feature work in Telegram?
Telegram’s official messaging account, which has been available for years, ensures that all Telegram-related innovations are notified to users. The platform also explains how to use a new feature in its messages, which it also supports with videos and photos. Here, the new feature that WhatsApp is working on seems to have exactly the same logic.
It is currently unknown when the new feature will be available.