WhatsApp, the world’s most popular instant messaging application, has come to the fore with a new feature in the past months. The feature, which appeared in the iOS beta version of the application with the code at that time, brought profile photos to group messages. In other words, users would start to see the profile photo of the person who sent the message in the groups next to the message.
Now, there has been a new development regarding this feature. WhatsApp has started to offer the feature to users recently. However, the distribution process is still ongoing and the feature has not reached all users yet. You can check if you have installed the latest update of the app to find out if the feature is available to you.
Here’s what WhatsApp’s new feature looks like:
In our checks, we found that we can only see profile photos of other users in groups. So our own profile photo is next to the messages. All other users are posting with their profile photos, just like in Telegram.
The profile photo feature in groups has started to show itself in both Android and iOS ecosystems as of now. However, it is not clear when this feature will reach all users.