What’s Good for Sound Mute?

The sound reduction experienced by people of almost every age group in daily life can be caused by different reasons. Whatever the reasons, the sound reduction becomes a problem that negatively affects our lives.
 What’s Good for Sound Mute?
READING NOW What’s Good for Sound Mute?

Sometimes excessive smoking or alcohol use, constant shouting, shouting, and sometimes diseases that we are not aware of cause our voice to be hoarse. If the hoarseness is caused by a disease, it is the healthiest method to consult a doctor without waiting. But we can also prevent throttling by changing our daily routines.

When we wake up at home with our voice hoarse, there are some methods our mothers use and we are all familiar with. A number of methods can be tried to soften our throat, such as boiling mint lemon, chamomile tea with honey, warm water with ginger. Along with these, consuming throat lozenges at home or taking a cold medicine may be the first solutions that come to our mind. However, it may be more useful for us to learn what needs to be done medically, and to hear from our competent doctors about what is good for voice reduction. Let’s examine the recommendations of medical sources on sound reduction together.

What’s good for sound muting?

voice rest
humidification of the air
Drinking plenty of water is very important
stay away from cigarette smoke
Beware of allergies
Gargle at home
Use of lozenges
So which natural methods can we apply at home and how?
last resort sound therapy

Voice rest:

For people who use their voices very intensely, muting is a relatively common situation compared to others. Professional groups such as teachers, sound artists, actors, news presenters may be more exposed to mute as they constantly use their voices. However, when we tire our voices a little more than our daily routine, when we have to shout or talk a lot, our voice can be hoarse.

Medical sources recommend voice rest for such conditions. It is said that resting our voice for a few days, talking and especially avoiding shouting is good for sound reduction. The important point here is that it should not be spoken in a whisper during voice rest. Because, on the contrary, whispering will cause the vocal cords to get tired more and our voice to be lowered more.

Humidification of the air:

The air condition in areas where we spend a long time, such as our home and workplace, is very important for sound reduction. Breathing dry air for a long time in such environments can cause voice reduction. Humidification of the air in your environment is important in order to prevent sound attenuation.

Humidifying the air of the environment, especially by means of steam machines, will reduce the feeling of irritation in our throat both in the short and long term and will prevent sound reduction. Steam engines are a very effective method as they also help open the airway. As an alternative to the steam machine, the air in the environment can be humidified with wet towels that you can hang on the heaters in a simpler way.

Drinking plenty of water is very important:

Drinking plenty of water in cases of voice reduction will help alleviate the symptoms. We have said that voice reduction may occur with dryness and irritation in the throat. Therefore, moistening the throat plays an important role in the treatment of voice hoarseness. Increasing fluid consumption, especially water consumption, will have an effect on voice reduction as it will moisten the throat. When we add plenty of fluids to our daily routine in the long term, it will prevent future sound problems.

Staying away from cigarette smoke:

One of the issues underlined by medical sources on muting is related to smoking. Since cigarette smoke causes the throat to dry, it also paves the way for voice reduction. In long-term use, cigarettes, which have great damage to the throat and vocal cords as well as to the whole body, can harm us even in case of exposure to smoke.

Exposure to smoke in a smoking environment for a long time can cause sound reduction. For this reason, it is necessary to avoid cigarette smoke, especially in cases where the sound is reduced. Staying away from cigarette smoke will make a noticeable difference in the treatment of voice reduction.

Beware of allergies:

Someone who is experiencing voice muting needs to be very careful with their allergies. In fact, sometimes allergies can directly cause muting. In such cases, it is very important to remove the allergens that cause allergies from the living environment. For example, it is very important that there are absolutely no cats in the immediate vicinity, while a person allergic to cat hair may experience muting. At this point, the person should know their allergies well. Our allergies, which we are not aware of, can sometimes lead to long-term hoarseness.

To gargle at home:

Medical sources state that mouthwashes to be made at home to relieve the throat can work in voice reduction. Gargling with warm salt water will help to moisten and relax the throat, so it will be good for voice reduction. Since some throat sprays used by doctors to treat voice reduction contain a composition similar to salt water, it is known that mouthwashes made by adding salt to warm water at home will help the treatment.

Lozenge usage:

The use of lozenges when muted is an additional product recommended by medical sources and prescribed by doctors to patients for use alongside medications. Throat lozenges in different flavors help moisten and soften the throat. It plays a role in the treatment of voice reduction by allowing the irritation in the throat to decrease. At the same time, children can use it as lozenges are not swallowed. Lozenges with honey, lemon, green tea or echinacea can be used in different flavors.

So which natural methods can we apply at home and how?

Some natural methods used in the treatment of voice reduction are also recommended by doctors. These methods, which we can use comfortably at home, have also been examined from a medical point of view and it has been revealed that the vocal cords are beneficial for the healing of the throat. In this regard, we can say that increasing the use of ginger is good for voice reduction.

Ginger, which can be added to a salad or consumed plain, will help soften the throat. On the other hand, black pepper to be consumed by mixing with honey will be good for sound reduction as long as the amount is adjusted. We have already mentioned the importance of consuming plenty of fluids for moisturizing the throat.

Adding a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and consuming it will both ensure fluid consumption and help heal the vocal cords. It is recommended to avoid very hot or very cold liquids during the treatment of voice reduction. For this reason, chamomile, thyme or lavender oil to be added to a warm water will both prevent further irritation of the throat and will be good for existing irritation.

Another method that can be tried at home is the steam inhalation method, which helps to soften the sinuses and is good for voice reduction. By turning on the hot water or leaning over a boiled teapot, you can cover your head with a towel and let the steam affect your throat.

Last resort sound therapy:

In cases where the sound reduction continues for a long time, it is necessary to consult an otolaryngologist. The specialist doctor diagnoses the disease as a result of his examinations and follows a treatment process accordingly. Apart from medications or surgical methods, voice therapy is sometimes used to help with long-term hoarseness.

In voice therapy, the patient is first explained what to do to protect the vocal cords. In addition, information about sound hygiene is also given. The most important point here is that patients can add what they have learned to their daily routine. Then the patient is told about the behaviors that harm his voice and the methods of protecting himself from these behaviors are shown.

Finally, with the correct use of breathing, breathing exercises, and vocal exercises, the damage to the vocal cords without the awareness of the patient is tried to be minimized. When everything learned is started to be applied in daily life, the patient can get rid of the complaint of voice reduction in the long term. What we describe is for informational purposes only. You can learn the most accurate and specific information about the subject from a specialist physician by going to the nearest health institution.

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