What is WAN, What is the WAN Port in Modems for?

There are many different ports on the back of modems required to connect to the Internet, one of which is the WAN port. Let's take a closer look at the WAN that offers a direct internet connection or a different wide area network connection and see the WAN types.
 What is WAN, What is the WAN Port in Modems for?
READING NOW What is WAN, What is the WAN Port in Modems for?

With the widespread use of the internet, we met with many new devices and concepts. For example, a modem that provides internet connection is now an indispensable part of the house. You’ll see many different ports on the back of each modem; Such as LAN, WAN, USB. The WAN port, on the other hand, is one of the most striking because many modems connect directly to the Internet through this port.

In other words, WAN actually means internet connection, but sometimes private WAN networks can be established by some companies in cases where the local network is not enough. However, for the end user, this port means connecting to the internet. Let’s examine questions such as what is WAN, what is the WAN port for, and let’s see the WAN types and get to know the LAN network for comparison.

What is WAN?

Wide Area Network, shortly WAN, in Turkish Wide Area Network; It is a wide network that allows many different devices to connect and communicate with each other. Local networks, called LANs, communicate with each other in this wide area network. The Internet is the largest known WAN network.

Local Area Network, LAN for short, Local Area Network in Turkish; It is the name given to the networks established in every home or workplace. As a result of the collection of these local networks in the WAN network, the Internet becomes the Internet. It is known that some large companies and even countries have established their own wide area networks, but for the end user, WAN means the internet.

What is WAN port (Wan port), what does it do?

Before we get to the WAN port, let’s take a look at how we connect to the internet. Certain ports are set up by your internet service provider to connect to the public network. From these main points, this connection is brought to each house with special cables. This connection turns into the internet via the modem and users connect to the internet either wired or wirelessly.

Modems have many different ports on the back; WAN, LAN, and USB ports are common to most. Devices connected to the same local network via LAN ports communicate. Internet connection or other wide area network connection is provided via WAN port. The USB port can be used for many different purposes.

Even if it increases or decreases, in general most modems have 1 WAN, 4 LAN ports on the back. There are even such ports on routers called routers. While the wide area network connected via the modem is generally single, the inputs are arranged in this way since the local area network connected is more than one.

What is the difference between WLAN and WAN?

Since the abbreviations of terms related to internet connection are quite similar to each other, they are often confused by users. One of them is WLAN. LAN means local area network, WAN means wide area network, and WLAN means Wireless Local Area Network, in Turkish, Wireless Local Area Network.

WLAN, which is the abbreviation of the term Wireless LAN, actually refers to the Wi-Fi wireless network and the network where more than one device is connected to the internet over the same local network. So although the abbreviations are similar, there is not much similarity between WAN and WLAN, but in the end, both represent a network.

Types of WAN technologies used:

  • Package replacement
  • TCP/IP protocol
  • Router
  • Overlay network
  • Multiprotocol Tag Switching
  • ATM
  • Frame Relay

Pack change

In packet switching technology, which we can translate into our language as packet switching, the message sent is divided into three parts, each of them proceeds to the destination by the most suitable route, and they are reassembled as they reach the destination. The purpose of using this data transmission method is to prevent damage to the entire packet. Parts are resent if necessary.

TCP/IP protocol

TCP/IP protocol is the most widely used protocol type in today’s world. Thanks to this system called TCP/IP transmission protocol or internet protocol, devices are connected to each other and to the internet.


As we have explained in detail in our article here, the router is frequently used in the creation of a WAN wide area network. Thanks to routers that offer unique IP addresses, the WAN network uses these addresses to communicate.

overlay network

Overlay network, which we can translate into our language as an overlay network, is a technology in which a software creates a virtual network over another infrastructure. The purpose of using the overlay network technique is to support applications and security systems that are not available on the network.


SONET/SDH (PoS) packet is one of the basic protocols used for WAN transport. SONET/SDH (PoS), which includes communication protocols such as optical fiber, Synchronized Optical Network, Synchronized Digital Hierarchy, defines how the connection between two points will be.

Multiprotocol Label Switching

Multiprotocol Label Switching, in short MPLS, Multiprotocol Label Switching in Turkish; It is an optimization technique used during network routing. Thanks to this technique, data moves over short network tags, not long network addresses.


ATM, Asynchronous Transfer Mode, Asynchronous Transfer Mode in Turkish; Although not used much today, it is the most common switching technique used in early data networks. Today, ATM has been replaced by IP-based ethernet technology and has begun to package data in variable sizes.

Frame Relay

Frame Relay is a technology used to transfer data between endpoints of local area networks or wide area networks. Frame Relay, using packet switching technology, specifies the data link layers of digital communication channels.

What is the WAN port we see on the back of each modem, what does it do; We answered the frequently asked questions such as what is WAN, what are its types, and we talked about important details you need to know about area networks.

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