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What is vacuum bomb (Thermobaric)? How does the vacuum bomb work?

The terms that came to the agenda after Russia's attack on Ukraine are also among the most searched on the internet. The terms also include Vacuum bomb. So, what is a grenade (thermobaric)? How does the vacuum bomb work? Here is what is known about the vacuum bomb...
 What is vacuum bomb (Thermobaric)?  How does the vacuum bomb work?
READING NOW What is vacuum bomb (Thermobaric)? How does the vacuum bomb work?

As the war between Russia and Ukraine continues, there are growing fears that Russia may or may have already used thermobaric weapons, also known as vacuum bombs or fuel-air explosive bombs. Well, what is the vacuum bomb (Thermobaric) that has come to the fore in the press lately? Let’s see together… (You can also check out the article titled What is a tactical nuclear weapon?)

Ukraine’s Ambassador to the US Oksana Markarova alleges that Russian forces used vacuum bombs against the Ukrainians last Monday night, according to Reuters. he did. In addition, CNN reporters shared images of the TOS-1 or TOS-1A Multiple Rocket Launcher, which can launch thermobaric warhead rockets near the Ukrainian border, just south of Belgorod, Russia.

For now, however, no clear evidence has been presented to confirm the use of thermobaric weapons in the invasion of Ukraine.

The possible use of vacuum bombs is particularly worrying because they create a powerful and indiscriminate explosion in urban environments close to civilians that can be far more devastating than those with conventional explosives.

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says the Journal of Military and Veterans’ Health, thermobaric munitions detonate a vapor at the detonation zone, producing more heat and pressure than conventional explosives. Thermobaric munitions work by initially dispersing an aerosol cloud over an area. This cloud flows around objects and into cracks and voids in structures. The cloud is then ignited by a high-temperature explosion.

In addition to creating a powerful blast wave, this explosion rapidly burns all the oxygen in the blast area, and the resulting vacuum “absorbs” unstable objects into this space. The vacuum is said to be strong enough to easily rupture the lungs and eardrums of anyone nearby. If close enough, the bombs can cause a range of potentially fatal injuries to people’s pulmonary, cardiovascular, auditory, gastrointestinal and central nervous systems.

The gun is of particular concern due to its indiscriminate effects when used near civilians. The use of vacuum bombs can be devastating, especially in urban areas, as the aerosol cloud can penetrate the cracks and cavities of structures and can turn building blocks into rubble in seconds.

The origin of this weapon, II. It dates back to the German Army that fought along the Eastern Front in World War II, but the technology has since been widely developed and used in the armies of many other countries.

For example, the US admitted to using thermobaric weapons against Al Qaeda in the mountains of eastern Afghanistan. It is also believed that Britain, China, India and Russia also have this type of ammunition in their military arsenals.

The use of thermobaric weapons is frequently criticized by non-governmental organizations such as Amnesty International. However, they are not expressly prohibited in war under international law.

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