What is the SCP Foundation, What Characters Are Included?

What is the SCP Foundation, What Characters Are Included?

Do you like science fiction and fantasy works? Well, have you ever thought that there is actually much more to the world we live in than meets the eye? If your answers are yes, then the SCP Foundation is for you. The SCP Foundation has been investigating anomalies in the world for years and they have been securing, preserving and protecting the objects they encounter in these anomalies.

If you’re asking if the SCP Foundation, which excites you even as you read it, is real, of course not. This foundation, which has been operating for years, tells completely imaginary stories and assets. However, it has such a large audience in many different parts of the world that it seems to have a strong place in popular culture. Let’s take a closer look at what the SCP Foundation is, what it does, what object classes are included in the foundation’s archive.

What is the SCP Foundation?

The SCP Foundation, which stands for Secure, Contain, Protect and is named after the first letters of these words, was founded in 2008. The purpose of the foundation is to examine the anomalies that occur in the world and to secure, preserve and protect the assets and objects involved in these anomalies. The SCP Foundation is of course not a real organization. The stories on the foundation’s website are fictional narratives created by members of the foundation or translated from foreign languages. Likewise, the images shown in the archive are completely fictitious. However, it is possible to say that they have established their own universe thanks to the work of the SCP Foundation over the years.

To become a member of the SCP Foundation, you must be over the age of 15. Stories created by authors can be edited by any other author, such as Wikipedia. The foundation insists that they do not offer a role-playing game. Anomalies and objects are called SCPs.

Objects and anomalies in the stories created by the authors are named SCP – number. There are different series of these stories. We’re not talking about a few stories here, but thousands of them. In other words, if you want to enter the anomaly universe of the SCP Foundation, there is a large archive that you can read for a long time. You can access the SCP Foundation website here.

SCP object classes:

  • safe class
  • Euclidean class
  • Keter class
  • Thaumiel class
  • Neutralized class
  • Annotated class
  • Esoteric / narrative classes
  • Declassified

Safe class: No special effort to hide

Anomalies rated as safe by the SCP Foundation refer to objects that require no special effort to contain and are no longer a threat. No more dealing with the object that is classified as safe.

Euclidean class: Those that need a lot of resources to hide

Storing Euclidean objects requires a lot of resources and is not secure. The anomalies evaluated in this class are unpredictable. Many objects that cannot be fully classified are considered within the Euclidean class.

Keter class: Difficult and costly to store

Objects considered by the SCP Foundation to be within the keter class are not necessarily dangerous. However, hiding keter-class anomalies is very difficult and costly. In general, little is known about objects in this class. Therefore, it is very difficult to hide.

Thaumiel class: The class of the most secret

The Thaumiel class is the one where the foundation hides the most hidden objects. The information of this class is known only to the O5 Council, which is the foundation’s highest level group. Even the existence of objects in the Thaumiel class is hidden from other members.

Neutralized class: Those who can no longer pose a threat

Objects that are intentionally or accidentally removed by the SCP Foundation are classified as neutralized. Anomalies in this class no longer have the potential to re-emerge and pose a threat.

Class as revealed: What science can explain

Objects included in the class of explained are ancient anomalies that have been clarified by today’s scientific world. Objects included in this class are no longer in the SCP Foundation’s workspace.

Esoteric/narrative classes: those that do not fit into the classification type

Esoteric/narrative classes are objects that exist in stories posted on the SCP Foundation website but do not fit any other type of classification. Mentioning objects belonging to the esoteric/narrative classes will get you minus points in the foundation.

Declassified: Displayed on the wall of shame

No stories are deleted on the SCP Foundation website. However, some stories by senior members are classified as declassified and displayed on a wall of shame. It is no longer a valid application, it has been removed.

Some SCP Foundation assets:

  • SCP-173: Euclidean class, direct eye contact is not established, millions of people will die if it escapes.
  • SCP-096: Euclidean class, 1.5 meter long arms, if you see its face it will go crazy.
  • SCP-049: Euclidean class, similar to the medieval plague doctor, kills whatever it touches, calms with lavender.
  • SCP-1471: MalO ver1. It is a mobile application named 0.0, it sends photos constantly, it is necessary to delete the photos to get rid of the effect.
  • SCP-999: A peanut butter-like creature weighing 54 kilograms, emitting a blissful scent.
  • SCP-087: A ladder to infinity.
  • SCP-108: Nazi bunker, entered through a woman’s nose.
  • SCP-294: A coffee machine capable of producing anything liquid.
  • SCP-426: A toaster addressed only in the first person.
  • SCP-1171: A house with fogged windows.
  • SCP-1609: A haystack that attacks uniform wearers.
  • SCP-3008: An IKEA store without borders.

We answered the questions of what is the fictional SCP Foundation, which protects the mysterious objects of the world we live in, is it real, and which entities it is dealing with, and we talked about what you need to know about this universe. You can get more detailed information by visiting the foundation’s website.