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What is the phosphorus bomb used by Israel in Gaza, what is its use and why is it banned?

Wars that started with the history of humanity have become much more destructive and deadly with the advent of the modern world. Finally, we are witnessing the war between Israel and Palestine in our geography. The parties have suffered heavy losses, both military and civilian...
 What is the phosphorus bomb used by Israel in Gaza, what is its use and why is it banned?
READING NOW What is the phosphorus bomb used by Israel in Gaza, what is its use and why is it banned?

Wars that started with the history of humanity have become much more destructive and deadly with the advent of the modern world. Finally, we are witnessing the war between Israel and Palestine in our geography. While the current war environment continued, in which the parties suffered heavy losses, both military and civilian, the Phosphorus bomb came to the fore. So, what is the Phosphorus bomb that Israel is said to use? What are the effects of phosphorus bomb? Let’s take a look at the details about this bomb together.

What is a phosphorus bomb?

In short, a phosphorus bomb is a special type of bomb used in wars that contains the chemical compound phosphorus. Phosphorus bombs are used to neutralize or destroy enemy military targets. When phosphorus reacts with oxygen, it burns at very high temperatures (800-2500 degrees) and creates bright flames. Therefore, phosphorus bombs create intense heat and flames as well as smoke and phosphorus residue when they explode.

As a result of the explosion of phosphorus bombs, flames and smoke can cause serious fires, pollute the environment and cause serious burns to people. Additionally, the use of phosphorus bombs carries the potential to harm civilian populations and the environment. Therefore, the use of phosphorus bombs is contrary to international law and the Geneva Conventions, and many countries and international organizations have banned or restricted the use of phosphorus bombs.

Use of phosphorus in ammunition

White phosphorus munitions are weapons that use one of the common allotropes of the chemical element phosphorus. The use of white phosphorus munitions is very common, especially as smoke bombs for infantry. It is also used in defensive grenades on tanks and other armored vehicles. Additionally, it is used to allocate ammunition for artillery and mortar fire. These create smoke screens to conceal the movement, location, infrared signatures and fire positions of friendly forces. For this reason, they are often referred to as “smoke/marker bullets” when used to mark points of interest.

The first use of white phosphorus was in the 19th century by Fenian (Irish nationalist) arsonists in a formulation known as Fenian fire. White phosphorus munitions are not banned under international law, but their use is strictly regulated due to their incendiary effects.

Are phosphorus bombs banned?

Phosphorus bombs are used in violation of international law and the Geneva Conventions. Because phosphorus bombs have extremely lethal effects on humans and damage the environment in the regions where they are used. For this reason, many countries and international organizations have banned the use of phosphorus bombs. However, this prohibition covers a certain framework. As we said, white phosphorus munitions are not prohibited in terms of international law because experts consider them not as fire starters, but as they create smoke screens, because their main purpose is to mask the movement of friendly forces. It is prohibited to use it as a bomb.

What are the harms of phosphorus bombs?

Phosphorus bomb damage is quite extensive. Phosphorus bombs can cause serious burns, death, environmental pollution and long-term health problems when they explode. In addition, the fumes released when bombs explode are also dangerous and can threaten human health through inhalation.

What does a phosphorus bomb do?

So, what does the Phosphorus bomb do? Phosphorus bombs are used to neutralize enemy soldiers and cause destruction on battlefields. However, the civilian population and the environment suffer great damage as a result of the use of such weapons. The effects of phosphorus bombs are severe. While they cause injuries and deaths when they explode, their chemical residues can damage the environment and cause long-term effects on soil and water resources. Phosphorus bombs are considered an inhumane and destructive weapon in war and conflict zones.

The effect of phosphorus bomb on humans

Inhaling phosphorus fumes can immediately cause serious internal injuries and cause suffocation. In the sequential phase, the body begins to burn from the inside out. It usually does not leave much of a mark on the clothes of the person who comes into contact with white phosphorus, but the burning reaction continues from within the body to the skin. Photographs taken following the use of white phosphorus show that the person may have been burned to the bones, but his clothing was not damaged. Once started, the combustion reaction is difficult to stop. Even after initial intervention, burning may begin again.

“War must be necessary and vital. War is murder unless the life of the nation is endangered.”

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