What is SRS in Cars, What Does It Do?

In recent years, with the development of automobile technologies, many abbreviations have entered our lives. One of these abbreviations, SRS, is actually one of the security systems that have been in our vehicles for many years and is the biggest guarantee of our life safety. Let's take a closer look at the questions like what is SRS, what is it for, how to use it, and let's see the important details about this system.
 What is SRS in Cars, What Does It Do?
READING NOW What is SRS in Cars, What Does It Do?

Have you ever carefully examined the instrument panels of the cars released in recent years? While some signs consist of symbols we are used to, some of them have just started to enter our lives thanks to the developments in automobile technologies. We can say that SRS is both old and new because even if the security service it offers has been in vehicles for many years, its transformation into a technological system with the abbreviation SRS is relatively new.

Most of the time, many drivers ask the question of what is SRS only when they realize that there is a problem with this abbreviation light on the panel. You will not easily wonder about such a system because it is a passive security system. In other words, it does not make any noise until it is needed, and the driver does not need to do anything when it will work. Let’s take a closer look at the questions like what is SRS, what is it for, how to use it, and let’s see the important details about this system.

What is SRS in cars, what does it do?

What is SRS?
What is the SRS seat belt?
What does SRS do?
How does SRS work?
Why does the SRS light on cars come on?
What to do when the SRS light is on?
Can the vehicle be driven while the SRS light is on?
Will the airbags work when the SRS light is on?
Does SRS really matter?

Let’s start with the basics, what is SRS?

Supplemental Restraint System, SRS for short, Supplemental Security System in Turkish; It is the system that controls the automatic airbag and automatic seat belt in cars. For this reason, you may have heard the name SRS Airbag and SRS seat belt.

Although its transformation into a computer-aided smart security system with the name SRS is recent, the use of airbags in vehicles is much older. The airbag, which was first used in the Mercedes-Benz S-Class in 1981, has been a safety system used in every car produced in the United States since that year. This system has evolved over time.

What is the SRS seat belt?

Controlled under the Supplemental Restraint System, the SRS seat belt is one of the complementary safety systems that is a package with airbags. Unlike standard seat belts, when to lock is decided by the SRS system, just like how the airbags will be deployed, that is, it is an automatic structure.

What does SRS do?

To give the shortest answer to the question of what is the use of the SRS, which is an airbag system in front of the driver as standard, and for the front seat and rear seat passengers in additional packages; Let’s say it saves lives. In the event of a possible collision, this system prevents the driver and passengers from hitting the hard points of the vehicle. Likewise, during this collision, the seat belts are locked to prevent the passengers from being thrown away, and in the event of a possible accident, it is aimed to get rid of the driver and passengers with minimum damage.

How does SRS work?

The basis of the SRS system; They are sensors located inside and outside the vehicle in varying numbers depending on the number of airbags and seat belts. This network, which consists of many different sensors, is connected to the SRS system. Thanks to these sensors, the SRS system receives instantaneous data about the vehicle’s speed, braking, deceleration, acceleration, whether there are passengers on the seats and many more.

If the vehicle traveling at a constant speed suddenly slows down, if the driver brakes, if the vehicle is hit from any point, or if there is a similar situation, the SRS system is activated momentarily and both deploys the airbags and locks the seat belts. Thus, it aims to prevent the driver and passengers from skidding and hitting hard points inside the vehicle.

So, why does the SRS light on cars come on?

The driver does not need to do anything for the SRS system to activate and operate when needed. For this reason, SRS is defined as a passive safety system. Most drivers are unaware of the SRS passive safety system, until a light on the instrument panel you have never seen before, the SRS light, comes on. So why does the SRS light come on?

Like many warning lights on your vehicle’s instrument panel, the SRS light being on also means that there is a malfunction. Malfunctions such as a loosening of the seat belt buckles, a lack of contact in one of the transmission cables, or a problem with the system that activates the airbags are one of the main reasons for the SRS light to come on.

What to do when the SRS light is on?

First of all, stay calm; SRS is an important security system, but it is not a system that requires immediate intervention. You can see many methods for repairing the SRS light on the internet, but it is not recommended to take such a risk. When the SRS light comes on, you should go to a professional auto mechanic or the technical service of your vehicle brand as soon as possible, even if not urgently. As a result of a quick inspection, the problem will be detected in a short time and the fault will be repaired.

Can the vehicle be driven while the SRS light is on?

You can continue to drive your vehicle even when the SRS light is on, that is, there is a fault in the SRS system. After all, the SRS is a complementary safety system that does not affect the vehicle’s operating system. However, it must be admitted that this is a big risk. Even if you avoid any accident, there is no guarantee that a vehicle will not hit you suddenly.

Will the airbags work when the SRS light is on?

While most experts say that the airbags will not work when the SRS light is on, some say it may vary depending on the situation. In other words, the situation changes depending on what the defect is. But what’s the point of taking such a risk if the airbags won’t deploy if there is a slight chance of a malfunction in the SRS system?

Finally, does SRS really matter?

Traffic is full of dangers. Even if you’re a master driver, there’s always the risk of an accident that will make your car drab due to the fault of another herd and lead you to an end that’s too bad to even think about. Although it is considered complementary by definition, we are talking about airbags and seat belts; What could be more important? SRS is an extremely important safety system and even if there is no malfunction warning, it is useful to have it checked when your path falls into an auto mechanic.

We talked about the details you need to know about this system by answering questions such as what is SRS, one of the complementary safety systems of our cars, what it does and how it works. If you are not a true master, keep in mind that you should definitely consult an expert when it comes to security. You can share your thoughts on the subject in the comments.

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