What is ROFL File, How to Open?

What is ROFL File, How to Open?

If you are a gamer, you must have heard of League of Legends, if you are a gamer, you must have played or are playing this game, which is called LoL abbreviation. Your matches in this epic multiplayer online strategy game are recorded and stored as ROFL files with the extension .rofl. However, many gamers are not fully familiar with the ROFL file opening process.

ROFL file format belongs entirely to League of Legends game and we can even say that it is a kind of in-game playback format. For this reason, opening and playing the files in your hand through the game will give the most successful result. However, you can use some alternative methods by performing different operations on replay files. Let’s take a closer look at the questions like what is a ROFL file and how to open it.

What is ROFL file?

The abbreviation of Replay Of LoL sentence; ROFL file with .rofl extension are replay files where matches of the popular multiplayer online strategy game League of Legends are recorded. Licensed by Riot Games and unique to the LoL game, this file format contains video content but cannot be opened directly in any video player application.

What does a ROFL file do?

After every match you make in League of Legends, you will see a download button in the upper right corner of the screen, above the advanced details button. When you click this button, the replay file of the match will download in ROFL format and you can watch it again and again. All these replays can also be viewed on the players’ match history page.

ROFL files with the .rofl extension have a maximum of 20, that is, the last 20 matches you played in the League of Legends game are recorded. Another feature of ROFL files is that they only work in the patch they were saved in. In other words, you can access and watch the replay files of the matches you played in the 7.0 patch only until the 7.1 patch comes.

How to open ROFL file?

ROFL files with the .rofl extension are replay files specific to the League of Legends game, so the only way to open them is to use League of Legends. You can open your file by right-clicking on the file and choosing the LoL application in the open with option.

You can record League of Legends highlights videos:

Recording League of Legends replay files seems nice, but ROFL file format with .rofl extension is original as well as over-processed. It is a very closed file format. Fortunately, you can save important moments, if not the entire encounter, in the much more useful WEBM file format with the .webm extension.

As soon as you click the red record button, your game starts to be recorded. When you stop recording with the same button, the interval you choose will be recorded as a separate video. These videos, called League of Legends highlights, are saved as WEBM files with .webm extension in the C:UsersDocumentsLeagueofLegendsHighlights folder of your computer.

How to open LoL WEBM files?

When you see WEBM files with .webm extension after ROFL files with .rofl extension, you will feel like you have found water in the desert. Because WEBM files, in which League of Legends important moments are recorded, can be opened both through internet browsers such as Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, and can be viewed in a frequently used media player application such as VLC Media Player.

Here’s what you need to know about LoL highlights and replay files:

  • You can find LoL replays in the Match History screen.
  • Replay files can only be viewed in the patch where they were saved.
  • Highlights videos you record are stored in C:UsersDocumentsLeagueofLegendsHighlights.
  • You can play the WEBM file containing important moments via VLC Media Player.
  • You can play the ROFL file containing replay files via League of Legends.
  • Replay files do not include player chats.
  • Only replay files for the last 20 games are stored on your client.
  • You can access your friends’ replay files on the Encounter History screens.
  • Replay files do not constitute evidence against players with negative behavior.
  • You can start and stop the important moment recording with the Ctrl + V key combination.
  • Highlights are recorded in 720p image resolution quality.
  • It is possible to change the destination folder where the important moments and replay files will be saved.

We answered questions such as what is the ROFL file with .rofl extension, how to open League of Legends replay files, and how to open it, and we talked about some details you need to know about LoL records.