What is Penis Jealousy?

Penis envy is a very interesting theory put forward by the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud in the 1900s. We have examined this theory, which attracts criticism such as "Are these still being discussed today?"
 What is Penis Jealousy?
READING NOW What is Penis Jealousy?

According to Freud; The name of the sadness that people born as women experience when they see that they cannot have a penis is penis envy. In short, our psychoanalyst says, “Women are jealous of men’s genitals.”

Even taking it even further, women express an opinion that “she has sexual relations with men just because of this jealousy”. In short, this interpretation reveals the understanding that “a woman has sex to have a penis”. Then let’s take a look at other details about this theory.

According to this theory, a woman must experience penis envy in order to develop her sexual identity.

Actually, Freud mentions that there is a phallic (genital period / 3-6 years old) period in which all children obsess about the penis and its absence. The theorist says that children who experience this condition (meaning girls) are naturally attached to their mothers, but they are angry with their mothers because their masculinity is taken away (castration). In a way, you can understand this as my reproach “Why didn’t you give birth to me as a boy?”

Sigmund Freud

Then these people; According to the psychoanalyst, he begins to become obsessed with his fathers and develops sexual desires for them. On the other hand, these individuals, who also need mother’s love, begin to be devoted to their mothers in order not to lose them. Afterwards, they imitate the femininity movements of their mothers and turn their desire for their father into a desire for other men.

In short, we can say that they are starting to like other men. Another psychoanalyst, Carl Gustav Jung, interprets these descriptions of Freud as the Electra Complex (in the simplest form, girls are jealous of their mothers from their fathers). But what Freud meant by penis envy is very different.

In fact, penis envy starts with the desire to experience the advantages of having a penis.

In fact, Freud says that even one’s desire to have children and heterosexuality stem from this feeling. The psychoanalyst adds that this is why women especially desire to have a son.

With the development of modern psychology, many experts are beginning to criticize this theory of Freud.

For example, some accuse Freud of being obsolete and think that such theories are outdated. Researchers say that Freud took the idea that all women naturally desire a penis, and this is wrong. Because this idea leads to the acceptance of femininity in a way that can only exist with masculinity. Thus, this theory offers its readers a rather sexist point of view.

Other critics; He states that the psychoanalyst put forward this theory by focusing only on anatomy and sexuality, and does not take into account more psychosocial development processes such as the person’s sense of self. Let me tell you briefly: In other words, they criticize Freud for focusing on biological sex and therefore ignoring the issue of sexual identity. For example, they say “the person may be a trans person, so biological sex should not be taken as a basis only”. In addition, according to many psychologists, penis envy is not a concept that can find a response in modern society.

As we just said, looking at this theory, based on the gender that was born into it, an approach that accepts only heterosexuality as normal in terms of sexuality emerges. This is why experts do not find this theory valid in today’s world where gender diversity is more visible (LGBTI+).

Studies show that gender identity can be determined up to the age of 3. This again refutes Freud’s theory because he states that it can be seen in women between the ages of 3-6. The only accepted idea of ​​penis envy today is that women are actually jealous of men’s status, not their penises.

For example, in a study on this subject, the dreams of women from 20 different cultures were examined. According to the results, the higher the social status of women, the less they have dreams that contain fantasies that may suggest penis envy. In short, while this theory put forward by Freud was seen as a theory that could find a response in the traditional period, today’s psychologists and psychotherapists say that it can only be a metaphor.

Because in the patriarchal system, women are devalued and put into the background just because they are women. However, nowadays, women are taking on a profile that becomes more individualized, conscious and reveals their own power more. Thus, at a time when women are starting to fight for the rights of women, it is meaningless to many theorists to evaluate them from the perspectives of penis envy.

In other words, as we said above, it is thought that a woman who struggles for power can only show jealousy towards men in terms of social position. So what do you think about this? You can explain your ideas in the comments.

  • Sources: Healthline, Live Science
  • Image Sources: Apple Music, Freud Organ, The Times, New York Post, The Atlantic, Metro

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