What is Java, What Does It Do?

Java, which appears on many digital devices whether connected to the Internet or not, is both a programming language, a computing platform and an application running software. Let's examine in all details what is Java, which is thought to shape the world of the future as well as today's world.
 What is Java, What Does It Do?
READING NOW What is Java, What Does It Do?

Even if you are not a software developer or application developer, you must have heard of Java. Because we encounter applications prepared with Java on almost all digital devices we use, whether they are connected to the internet or not. If you are a programmer or application developer, you should already have a command of Java because the way to develop applications has been through Java for a long time.

The answer to the question What is Java is a bit complicated because Java is both a programming language, a computing platform and software that the end user can use to run applications. In other words, if we look at it from this perspective, Java is shaping our digital world today as it has in the past, and it seems to shape it in the future as well. Let’s examine the answers to questions such as what is Java and what is it good for, in all details.

What is Java?

Developed by Sun Microsystems, Java was first introduced in 1995. Java; It is a class-based, object-oriented programming language with a wide range of uses. Java is also a computing platform for application development and execution. Java is also an application run software that the end user can download free of charge.

Since Java is a programming language that has been used for many years, it has received many different updates and different versions over the years. Finally, Java SE 15 version was released in September 2020. The software that users will download to run applications is the Java 8 version.

The Java software that users will use to run applications is called the Java Runtime Environment, shortly JRE, while the computing platform used by application developers is called Java Virtual Machine, shortly JRM. There is also a Java Development Kit (JDK) tool that application developers can use. You can access all these services by entering the Java official website on the link here.

What does Java do?

You can develop an application with Java, test this application and present the infrastructure in which the user can use this application. At this point, it would be much more reasonable to ask what Java does, rather than what it does. Here are some of the things you can do with Java:

  • You can develop applications for devices with Android operating system.
  • You can create enterprise software in Java.
  • You can develop mobile Java applications.
  • You can develop a calculation application.
  • You can analyze big data.
  • You can program the device compatibility of the hardware via Java.
  • You can use it in technologies such as Apache, JBoss, GlassFish. You can use the Java application launcher with the
  • JDK. With the
  • JDK compiler you convert codes to bytecode.
  • JDK You load class with Java application launcher.
  • With the JRE you run all Java applications. With
  • JRE you use all libraries and package classes.

The prominent advantages of Java:

  • It is one of the easiest programming languages ​​to learn.
  • The base written in Java code works on almost all computing platforms.
  • Since codebases written in Java are platform independent, an application written on one machine will run on different machines.
  • Ideal for object-oriented application development.
  • Since it has automatic memory management, it can easily perform multiple operations.
  • Ideal for the Internet environment.
  • Network-centric distributed computing facilitates.

Here are some of the prominent advantages of using the Java programming language and other Java services. Of course, different advantages can be added to this list depending on the user and the platform on which the application will be developed, or the features that are seen as advantages may turn into disadvantages. However, it is still possible to say that the advantages always prevail.

Java platform types and features:

  • Java Standard Edition
  • Java Enterprise Edition
  • Java Micro Edition
  • Java FX

Java Standard Edition:

Java Standard Edition, briefly Java SE; defines all types and objects for top-level classes. You can use it when networking, for security purposes, for database access, creating GUI for GUI, and parsing XML.

Java Enterprise Edition:

Java Enterprise Edition, which provides a higher level of service, Java EE for short; It is used to develop highly scalable, larger scale, multi-layered and secure network applications. Applications developed with Java EE are more reliable and offer a wider runtime environment.

Java Micro Edition:

Java Micro Edition, abbreviated as Java ME, runs applications developed with the Java programming language on small devices such as smartphones and tablets. Java Micro Edition offers its users a virtual machine that takes up much less space.

Java FX:

Java FX is a platform that offers its users the opportunity to develop rich internet-based applications through a much simpler interface. Unlike standard Java, it uses graphics and media engines that help you take advantage of APIs that connect to higher-performance clients and networked data sources.

We answered questions such as what is Java and what it does, which signals that it will shape today’s internet and digital world and will shape the world of the future, and we talked about the details you need to know about the Java system.

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