What is Intercom System, What Is It For, How Does It Work?

Although we used to see who came by looking through the window, we can only understand who came to the entrance of the big buildings we live in today with the help of an intercom. Let's take a closer look at the intercom, which increases the security it offers day by day with its audio and video versions, how it works, what types it is.
 What is Intercom System, What Is It For, How Does It Work?
READING NOW What is Intercom System, What Is It For, How Does It Work?

‘Who is it?’, ‘Mine’ and the door opens. The name of the system where we experience this classic scene over and over every day is intercom. When we used to live in smaller buildings, we used to look at the glass entrance and see who was coming. In the tens of storey buildings we live in today, the most effective way to find out who is coming is to use an intercom with audio or video transmission.

The intercom system has been used quite widely for a long time. You’ve probably seen people talking to a box to order tea in old movies, and that’s an intercom. Because the main purpose of this system is to transfer audio and video in a certain area bilaterally. Let’s take a closer look at what the intercom is, what it does, how it works, and see the commonly used types.

What is intercom?

In its simplest definition, intercom; It is a communication system that transmits two-sided audio and/or images within a certain area. It is generally used for security purposes between building entrances and apartments. It can also be used as a kind of radio in fixed areas where continuous but short-term communication is established.

Intercom is a technology that has been with us for a long time. It is used in many areas due to its simple use and affordable price. Basic intercom systems are wired and only transmit audio. Today, there are systems that transmit images, work wirelessly and even integrate with different security systems and security cameras.

What does the intercom do?

Intercom provides short-term communication. In other words, if you want to talk at length, you cannot communicate well with the intercom. Because in general, this system does not aim to give high quality sound, but only to transfer the sound or image as clearly as possible. From this point of view, it is also possible to say fixed radios for intercoms.

Using intercom; When someone comes to the building, you can notify an apartment, contact the apartment officer, contact the security guards, communicate with the officials in the workplaces or large business centers. It is possible to multiply such examples.

How does the intercom work?

Although the intercom has such a simple system, it is impossible not to be surprised how useful it is. You remember the primitive telephone system consisting of two plastic cups and a string, which we saw in popular science programs for children; This is exactly the working principle of the intercom.

Each intercom device has a microphone and speaker. The cable between the two devices receives the sound and transfers it to the other. Because it is a simple processor, only one person can speak. That is, someone presses the button, speaks, the sound is uploaded and only then the other person starts speaking. In this respect, it is possible to say that it works just like a radio.

Of course, intercom systems that transmit images and work wirelessly or integrated with other security systems can be a little more complex. But basically the system is the same. Moreover, the old-style wired system is always considered the most reliable system for intercom.

What are the types of intercoms?

  • Wired intercom
  • Wireless intercom
  • Video intercom
  • Apartment intercom
  • Two way radio intercom
  • Security intercom system

Wired intercom:

The wired intercom system is known as the safest system, as it does not cause any interference and is almost impossible to be listened to by third parties. It is installed using Cat 5/6 or special double shielded cables. Although the installation is a little troublesome, the result is always much more successful.

Wireless intercom:

Devices in the wireless intercom system transmit wireless data over a network they have established among themselves. The wireless system is much more convenient as it does not require installation and is portable. However, interference occurs frequently during data transfer due to different interfering wireless devices.

Video intercom:

The video intercom system, which is becoming more and more widespread, is generally used at building entrances and transfers the image of the incoming person to the device in the apartments. Most of the time, it has an understandable image, although it is not high resolution. In order to avoid interference, video intercom systems are often installed as wired.

Apartment intercom:

Apartment intercom is the system that we all meet with intercom. There is a main unit at the entrance of the apartment, the devices in other apartments are connected to this main unit, events develop when someone presses one of the apartment or device numbers on the main unit. Of course, every device has a lock permission button that will open the entrance door.

Two way radio intercom:

A two-way radio intercom system is neither intercom only nor radio only, but both. It is used in fixed areas where constant communication is required. However, the distance between these two areas is usually far. In other words, wireless enjoyment in the comfort of wired intercom.

Security intercom system:

The security intercom system is a slightly more advanced version of the apartment intercom system. Here again there is a main unit, but the main unit is connected to a substation before the apartments. In other words, the key pressed on the main unit first directs the person to the apartment officer responsible for the substation or the security guard. This connection can also be between multiple points.

We answered questions such as what is the intercom, which is a must for building security, what it does, how it works, what are the types, and we talked about the details you need to know about this system. You can share your thoughts about the intercom system you use in the comments.

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