What is Hosting, What Does It Do?

You ask a search engine how to set up a website, and the first answer you come across is that you need to get a hosting service. But what is hosting? Hosting is an important service that makes the website exist. If you are not in a position to buy your own server, you should definitely get hosting service.
 What is Hosting, What Does It Do?
READING NOW What is Hosting, What Does It Do?

There are a few basic steps to setting up a website. You get a domain name, upload the site content to a server that will share it, and make the necessary designs. The server name is extremely important because the data that your visitors will see on the website must be stored somewhere and be available for publication at any time. This is where the hosting service, which you can get paid and free, comes into play.

Hosting gives website owners a server. The site owner uploads his content to this server and thus makes sure that users who visit the website can always access this content. Of course, depending on the price you pay, your hosting provider can offer you many different services. Let’s take a closer look at what hosting is and see what you need to pay attention to when buying this service.

What is hosting?

Hosting translated into our language as a hosting service; It is the keeping of the contents of a website on a computer accessible to the visitors of the website, that is, on the server. In other words, when you open a website, everything you see comes from a computer that is open 24/7 and connected to the internet.

Let’s think like this; you have some images, texts and videos in your hand. You store them on your USB memory stick and connect this memory to your computer whenever you want to access it. The situation in hosting service is as follows; The site owner uploads its content to the server, and when the visitor opens the site, he accesses the content on the server, just as if he had connected a memory to the computer. In other words, the server provides a storage space accessible over the internet.

Websites with huge amounts of data we can’t even imagine have their own servers. But for smaller websites or blogs, there are hosting services as it doesn’t make much sense to buy such a server. The hosting provider provides this necessary space to website owners through paid and free packages.

What does hosting do?

It is possible to compare the hosting service to the cloud storage services we are familiar with today. For example, you purchased a hosting service that offers 10 GB of space and my site. You started broadcasting with com. my site. All your visitors who enter the .com address will see the content you have uploaded to this 10 GB space.

Hosting doesn’t just offer storage. Different hosting packages allow you to get an e-mail address on your website, organize your traffic flow, provide design assistance, and offer SEO support. Of course, all of this will depend on which hosting provider you’re working with and the service fee you pay.

What are the types of hosting?

  • Shared hosting
  • VPS virtual server
  • WordPress hosting
  • Server for rent

Shared hosting

It is the type where the hosting service provider provides hosting services to more than one website through a single server. According to the server capacity of the provider, the websites that receive hosting service are limited to a certain bandwidth and a certain number of visitors.

VPS virtual server

In the hosting service, which is called a private virtual server or VPS virtual server, there is still a single server, but unlike shared, this server is divided into virtual machines. In other words, although there are multiple websites that receive hosting services, each one has its own area that it has special control over.

WordPress hosting

WordPress is not just a blogging platform, it is also a hosting service provider. WordPress, the most used content management system in the world today, is a provider recommended especially for beginners as it focuses on updates and security.

Dedicated server

In the rental server hosting service, which is also called a dedicated server, a dedicated server is rented for the website. In other words, the server is still someone else’s, but all usage rights belong to the website receiving the service. It is a hosting service that is frequently used by websites with heavy visitor traffic and download flow.

Other services you can get from the hosting provider:

  • You can get a domain name from your hosting service provider.
  • You can get e-mail service linked to your domain name.
  • You can get an SSL certificate.
  • You can get SEO support.
  • You can get security service.
  • You can get Content Delivery Network service.

All these services may vary depending on your hosting service provider and the price you pay. The important thing is to determine your own needs and make the most profitable agreement with the most suitable provider.

Things to consider when buying hosting service:

  • Make sure there is enough space for your content.
  • Make sure the email service meets your needs.
  • Make sure the control panel is handy.
  • Make sure the monthly traffic limit won’t hinder your visitors.
  • Beware of database limit
  • Make sure your provider offers an accessibility guarantee.
  • Make sure technical support is available.
  • Don’t be fooled by providers that offer services below market price.

These situations, which you did not pay attention to during the first agreement, may cause problems in the future. You may have to pay an extra fee when you want to move your domain name or when the monthly traffic limit is exceeded. Worse still, if there is not enough technical support, all your effort can be garbage.

We answered the frequently asked questions such as what is hosting you must have in order to exist on the internet with your own site, and what is the use of it, and we talked about the points you need to pay attention to. If you have, you can share your thoughts about the hosting service you have received in the comments.

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