What is Hermaphroditism (Bisexuality)?

What is hermaphroditism, the condition of having both male and female genitalia in a human body? We answered questions such as causes, symptoms and treatment.
 What is Hermaphroditism (Bisexuality)?
READING NOW What is Hermaphroditism (Bisexuality)?

There are more than 7 billion people in the world. These people are divided into men and women. Of course, when sexual orientations come into play, there are many more options. Well, hermaphroditism, which can be both male and female, except for their sexual orientation; so what do you know about androgyny?

Today we are explaining to you hermaphroditism. These people, who can have both male and female physical characteristics from birth rather than a sexual orientation, may also experience different health problems.

Where does the name hermaphroditism come from?

The name hermaphroditism comes from Greek mythology. His story is briefly as follows:

“The God of Commerce Hermes and the Goddess of Beauty Aphrodite have sons. The boy, who is the child of two gods, takes the name Hermaphrodite. Hermaphrodite is so beautiful that he attracts the attention of a water nymph. The fairy constantly tries to get close to Hermaphrodite, but the boy covets. Unable to find the attention she wants, the fairy girl meets Hermaphrodite while swimming in the lake and hugs her tightly. While hugging, she begs the gods not to separate them. This wish of the fairy girl is granted and they both come to life in a single body. In this way, a androgynous person emerges. . ”

That is why today, androgynous people are called hermaphroditism.

What is hermaphroditism (bisexuality)?

A androgynous individual is someone who has some or all of the primary sex characteristics of both sexes. For example, having both a penis and a vulva is an example. To put it more clearly, it is a situation that occurs when there is a conflict in the external and internal genital organs. There are 4 different types of hermaphroditism. That’s why it can vary a lot. For example, the external genitalia can be a penis or a vulva, or it can be a mixture of two organs.

What are the types of androgynousness?

Aren’t all androgynous individuals the same? There are 4 different types of hermaphroditism accepted among the androgynous types that can have many different combinations. Let’s take a closer look at these types:

  • 45+XX
  • 45+XY
  • hermaphroditism from real gona
  • Complex hermaphroditism


Individuals with 45+XX hermaphroditism type have the XX chromosome seen in women. These people have the ovaries seen in women, but the external genitalia found in men; In other words, they are born with a penis and a male type.

This type usually occurs due to excessive exposure of the female fetus to male hormones in the womb. Along with these, other female genitalia such as uterus and fallopian tubes mostly have a normal structure.


Individuals with XY hermaphroditism have the XY chromosome seen in males. In this species, the external genitalia are either not completely formed or resemble the genital area in female individuals. Internal genitalia may be normal or absent depending on the situation. The reason for the formation of this type is generally related to the imbalance between male and female hormones.

true gonadal hermaphroditism

It is a type of complete and true hermaphroditism in which both testis and ovary structures are present. Individuals can have XX, XY, or both of these chromosomes. The external genitalia may have female features as well as male features or an ambiguous appearance. Although the real reason for this situation is still unknown, the focus is on situations such as exposure to agricultural pesticides.

complex hermaphroditism

Except for the known 46 chromosome structures, androgynous individuals are included here. In these individuals, the chromosome structure may be 46+XXY, 46+XXX or 45+x0 (Turner syndrome). External and internal genital organs in these individuals may differ according to the type of chromosomal disorder.

What are the symptoms of hermaphroditism (bisexuality)?

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Although modern medicine today is so advanced, some types still have some manifestations of androgyny that can be difficult to understand. These symptoms may vary depending on which type of hermaphroditism is seen. Some of the known symptoms are as follows:

  • Small penis size (micropenis)
  • Gentle with ambiguous appearance
  • Clitoris is larger than normal
  • Clitoris having a penis-like appearance
  • Urinary duct shortness and opening in another part of the penis
  • Labia adherence
  • Undescended testicles
  • Absence, delay or abnormal occurrence of sex characteristics during puberty

How is the treatment of hermaphroditism (bisexual)?

The treatment process for a hermaphrodite individual can vary. In general, this situation can be decided by the family, and it can vary from country to country. For the treatment of a hermaphrodite baby, usually the anatomical structure is examined and the more dominant gender is tried to be assigned. While it is possible to undergo some surgical operations on the genitals, in some cases, hormone treatments can be started after waiting until puberty.

In hermaphroditism, which is not exactly considered a disease, treatment changes can be seen from country to country. According to the approach in some countries, if it does not threaten human health, it is possible not to apply any surgical treatment and leave it to the individual’s own decision in adulthood.

In addition to this content, you can find a video of an androgynous person speaking in the Soramazing series of the 321GO YouTube channel below:

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