What is Good for Sunburns in Summer?

No matter how much you protect yourself at the end of the time you spend under the sun during the hot summer months, your skin will get sunburned at different degrees. Advanced burns require a doctor's intervention, but you can reduce the pain of non-serious burns by applying some methods. Here are some methods that are good for sunburn.
 What is Good for Sunburns in Summer?
READING NOW What is Good for Sunburns in Summer?

In the hot summer months, we wear more comfortable clothes and are exposed to the sun directly to get some relief. Especially if we went on vacation, we lie down under the sun. Of course, sunscreen protects up to a certain point, but sunburns occur on our skin due to the scorching sun. In severe sunburns, you should definitely go to the nearest health institution and be examined by a specialist doctor.

Of course, one does not go to a doctor for every sunburn complaint. There are many natural methods you can apply at home to reduce the negative effects of sunburns. Using such scientifically supported methods will give much faster results instead of the classic yogurt application method we see in movies. Let’s take a closer look at some of the methods that are good for sunburn and how to apply these methods

Methods that are good for sunburn:

Keep the burned area cool or take a cold shower often
Use moisturizers with aloe vera or olive oil
Don’t pop the bubbles
Don’t pick the peeling areas of your skin
Drink lots of water
Limit alcohol and cigarette use
Stay out of the sun for a while

Keep the burned area cool or Also, take a cold shower often:

At the end of a day spent in the sun or when you wake up the next day, you start to feel a very bad pain in the sunburned area depending on the degree. At this point, the first thing you need to do is to keep that area cold. If the sunburned area covers a large area, you should take a shower directly.

If there is no severe sunburn, you can apply a cold compress or take a cold shower as that area will not become a wound. Due to the cold effect, you will feel relief in that area, albeit temporarily. The cold effect will also prevent the formation of inflammation caused by sunburn.

Use moisturizers containing aloe vera or olive oil:

The miraculous effects of olive oil have been known for thousands of years in the lands we live in. The miracle of aloe vera has only just begun to be heard. The countless benefits of both include healing minor wounds and moisturizing the skin. From this point of view, it is possible to say that they offer a natural healing method.

When you enter any market or pharmacy, you will definitely see countless olive oil or aloe vera moisturizing creams produced by many different brands. By using the most suitable cream for you, you can moisturize the sunburned area and both relieve the pain and speed up the healing process.

Do not pop the bubbles:

When sunburn and similar skin damage occurs, the body’s defense mechanism is activated and water collects in the damaged area, causing bubbles to appear. Since these blisters are the body’s self-healing method, they should not be interfered with. The top of the bubbles should also be moistened or even protected by covering it with a cloth.

Don’t pick out the peeling areas of your skin:

This must be one of the hardest substances on the list to apply because it’s almost impossible to resist the sweet itching of the body that is starting to heal by shedding its old skin. As it can be understood, our skin discards the damaged skin and creates a brand new skin in its place. Due to the effect of this change on the capillaries, we feel the need for itching.

Do not scratch or pluck your peeling skin. Continue to moisturize that area as well as other areas of your skin. You can speed up the shedding process of the dead skin by rubbing your hand a little hard while moisturizing only, but don’t act like I’ll hold it from one end and go completely.

Drink plenty of water:

Water is the greatest need of our body, and its effects are a real miracle. In sunburn and similar skin damage or diseases, all the water in the body is drawn to the damaged area and thus the healing process is accelerated. However, as all the water is drawn to that area, the rest of the body will be dehydrated.

Considering that sunburn occurs in the summer months, the weather is very hot and you sweat, it is recommended that you drink more water than usual during this process. Of course, don’t drink all the water at once. Meet the amount your body needs by drinking water frequently during the day at regular intervals.

Take care of your sleep during the healing process:

Sunburns can cause inflammation under the skin or on the skin. When this amount increases, you should definitely see a specialist doctor. However, minor inflammations will heal on their own. A good night’s sleep during this process will strengthen your body’s fight against burns and inflammation.

Limit alcohol and cigarette use:

Sunburn and alcohol and cigarette use may seem unrelated, but these two substances are so damaging to your body that they have a negative effect on the healing of even simple wounds on your skin. Smoking, in particular, accelerates the formation of inflammation and slows down the healing process. Let go of those virtues.

Stay away from the sun for a while:

You’ve already been burned by the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays and it hurts, and staying in the sun a little longer will definitely increase your pain. . Just think how logical it would be to expose a wound to the sun, where the cold is already good. At least stay out of the sun for a while during the healing process or protect that area specially during the time you have to stay in the sun.

We talked about some natural methods that are good for sunburns caused by the scorching effect of the sun in hot summer months and how to apply these methods. Remember that what we have explained is only suitable for mild burns, and in severe burns, you should go to the nearest health institution and be examined by a specialist doctor.

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