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What is Global Warming, Why Does It Occur? Effects and Results

One of the most important factors that make the Earth a habitable planet is greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The average surface temperature of the world today is around 15 degrees Celsius. If there were no greenhouse gases, the world would be 32 degrees Celsius colder, all water would freeze, and the world would become unsuitable for life. At this point, we must answer questions such as what is global warming and why it occurs. Glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, natural disasters such as floods, storms, tornadoes, droughts and forest fires are now more frequent. So why? Let's learn together.
 What is Global Warming, Why Does It Occur?  Effects and Results
READING NOW What is Global Warming, Why Does It Occur? Effects and Results

How do greenhouse gases contribute to Earth’s warming? Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere first absorb the heat emitted from the Earth and then re-radiate it. Thus, by reflecting back some of the heat radiated from the earth into space, they create a greenhouse effect and make the Earth warmer. Any gas molecule that is not made up of two atoms of the same kind can absorb and re-emit infrared light, that is, heat. Therefore, all gases in the atmosphere that are not composed of two atoms of the same type, such as water vapor, methane, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and ozone, are greenhouse gases. Nitrogen and oxygen gases, which make up 99% of our atmosphere, are not greenhouse gases.

Today, the average surface temperature of the Earth is increasing rapidly. This situation, called global warming, is caused by the excessive increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to human activities. 20,000 years ago, when the northern parts of America, Europe and Asia were covered with glaciers, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was 180 mg/L. Before the industrial revolution, this value had increased to 280 mg/L. Today it is around 415 mg/L and continues to rise. So what exactly is global warming? Why does it occur? Let’s start to explain simply and try to stop global warming.


What is global warming?
Why does global warming occur, what are the causes?
What are the effects and consequences of global warming for our world?
What should we do to prevent global warming?

Let’s start with the most basic, what is global warming?

Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and other similar greenhouse gases collect in the atmosphere and absorb the sun’s rays and even radiation reflected from the earth’s surface. In this way, the sun’s rays and radiation, which must be reflected and separated from the earth, remain on the earth and cause the earth to warm up. By the way, the effects of these greenhouse gases, such as warming, are called the greenhouse effect.

So why does global warming occur, what are the reasons?

  • overfishing
  • Industrialization
  • Farming
  • consumerism
  • oil drilling
  • power plants
  • Wastes
  • deforestation
  • Fossil fuels

Fish is one of the main sources of protein for humans. Due to our over-consumption of fish, we have now created deficiencies in marine life and are causing a great lack of ocean diversity. Industrialization is also on this list because the chemicals and materials used pollute not only the atmosphere but also the soil underneath. Farming will be one of our main concerns because the animals we feed produce too much methane gas. In addition, the vegetation they spend is also worth mentioning.

Fossil fuels, oil drilling, and transportation fuels contribute to climate change in this process because the gases produced during their use are emitted into the atmosphere and are also highly toxic to wildlife and the environment. There is no limit to the amount of packaging people use, many of today’s products, waste and packaging are produced irreversibly. When these substances dissolve, they emit toxic gases to the atmosphere and even to nature. Global warming is increasing.

What are the effects and consequences of global warming for our world?

  • high temperatures
  • Droughts and forest fires
  • Decreased fresh water
  • Flood
  • Problems of coastal areas due to sea level rise
  • biodiversity
  • lands

Every year, scientists learn more about the consequences of global warming. With each passing year, each passing hour, perhaps each passing second, we gain new evidence of its devastating effect on our planet. Due to climate change, heat waves, droughts, floods and famines increase as they increase. People are suffering more and more every day. Melting glaciers will cause worse water shortages. Rising sea levels will cause coastal flooding.

The forests will decrease and we will be left alone with new pests. All this will harm agriculture and fisheries. The degradation of habitats such as coral reefs and alpine meadows will lead to the extinction of many plant and animal species. The proliferation and growth of pollen-producing ragweed will provide favorable conditions for more air pollution—pathogens perhaps mosquitoes. Allergies, asthma, and infectious disease outbreaks will become more common.

Let’s look at what has fallen on us: What should we do to prevent global warming?

  • First of all, enlighten people by raising this issue.
  • Equip your home with renewable energy
  • Save energy by insulating
  • Use A class energy consuming devices
  • Reduce water waste
  • Take as much food as you can
  • Install better bulbs
  • Pull the plugs in, turn off the switches that remain open
  • Support recycling
  • Do not use fossil fuels

In 2015, 195 countries signed the Paris Climate Agreement, which aims to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius. With this convention, countries have committed to reducing the amount of carbon dioxide they emit into the atmosphere. We need to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide we emit into the atmosphere in order to prevent the world from getting warmer and the deterioration of natural balances. For this purpose, the first thing to do is to reduce the use of fossil fuels such as coal and oil, and to turn to environmentally friendly energy sources such as solar and wind energy.

Meanwhile, our scientists publish and articulate tons of charts for climate change, but with little effect. The greenhouse effect is increasing due to the greenhouse gases we release into the atmosphere. Although it may sound like ‘winter is coming’ to some, it is not so, because this time both winter and summer are coming together. Even a nearly 700-page report was published for it on October 8, 2018. Do not think of it as an ordinary report. 133 authors from 40 countries have collected and analyzed about 6000 scientific articles, and they have confirmed all this research by about 1000 scientists.

They called it 1.5 ⁰C Global Warming. If you ask why 1.5 isn’t even less these days, I can answer as follows: In the last century, the average temperature of the world has risen by 1 ⁰C. However, this situation is estimated that even if we want to reduce it, we will not be able to reduce it, in fact, the average temperature will have increased by 1.5 ⁰C in 2030. What this report also means is that if we can reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases to half of the 2010 level in 12 years and reach 0 emissions by 2050, only then can we fix this average temperature increase to 1.5 ⁰C.

Will you start taking precautions against global warming? Do not forget to share the measures you take in the comments and inform readers like you!

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