What is FPGA, Where is it Used?

FPGA, which works just like a processor but provides many advantages to its users because it is programmable again and again, is the most frequently used circuit form in the computer world in recent years. Let's get to know this hardware a little more closely through questions such as what FPGA is, what it does, where it is used.
 What is FPGA, Where is it Used?
READING NOW What is FPGA, Where is it Used?

Most computers come with standard hardware, and users purchase new hardware or replace existing hardware to suit their needs. Of course, this situation causes big problems when it happens frequently. This is where the FPGA system comes into play. The FPGA works like a processor, but it provides many important advantages as it can be programmed repeatedly by the user.

The biggest advantage of FPGA circuits being programmable by the user is, of course, monetary. In addition, it is extremely long-lasting because it can be used repeatedly for different purposes. In other words, you can buy an FPGA circuit and use it for many years without sacrificing its performance. Let’s get to know this hardware a little more closely through questions such as what FPGA is, what it does, where it is used.

What is an FPGA?

Field Programmable Gate Array, FPGA for short, Field Programmable Gate Arrays in Turkish; In their simplest definition, they are reprogrammable integrated circuits. It consists of certain logic blocks and interconnections that connect these logic blocks. Its usage area is extremely wide.

What does an FPGA do?

The main purpose of the FPGA circuit is to perform the logic functions needed by the user. Each logic block in the FPGA circuit can be reprogrammed according to the required function. Thanks to the FPGA, which can be programmed exactly according to the required function, other circuit elements with a much more complex structure work much more functionally.

FPGA basically works on the principle of data input and output. The entered data is processed and outputs in the required structure. For example, if you want your FPGA circuit to process only 20 bits of data, you can reprogram this order. As a result, circuitry that only works for as long as you want will perform much more powerfully. Thanks to this performance, the work of other hardware becomes easier.

Where is FPGA used?

  • Defence technologies
  • Cryptocurrency mining
  • Space technologies
  • Digital signal processing systems
  • Medical imaging technologies
  • Automotive technologies

These are the most common areas where FPGA circuits are used, but they are not the only ones. Thanks to their functional usage features, FPGA circuits are generally used in all technologies and systems where parallel operations are performed. Moreover, thanks to its low cost and flexible usage structure, it finds its place in every field.

How to program an FPGA? Of course, we cannot explain how to program a complex circuit system such as

FPGA in a few simple steps. This process, done by software and computer engineers, requires extremely precise regulations. During these arrangements, reprogramming is done with languages ​​suitable for the FPGA circuit.

The most commonly used languages ​​during FPGA programming are VHDL programming language and Verilog hardware description language. Verilog is similar to C language and VHDL is similar to Pascal language. The VHDL programming language is used to organize the basic structure of FPGA circuits. Verilog, on the other hand, allows even people who do not know programming to edit FPGA circuits. Still, it is a rather complex system for non-experts.

FPGA advantages:

  • The lifespan is long.
  • It can be updated by users.
  • The development process is fast.
  • It enables systems to operate much faster and more efficiently.
  • Speeds up the software process.
  • It is ideal for real-time applications as it provides the lowest latency.
  • Ideal for parallel data processing.
  • It is much more advantageous than ASIC as it can be reprogrammed.
  • It provides energy efficiency as it requires a smaller panel area.
  • It is much more flexible than CPLD.
  • The development cost is much lower than ASIC.

Here are some of the prominent advantages of FPGA circuits, according to user comments and expert opinions. It is possible to add different items to the list of advantages because such positive and negative comments vary according to user habits.

FPGA disadvantages:

  • Energy efficiency and performance decrease when frequently reprogrammed.
  • It has a complex and difficult structure.
  • Latency increases as you add new interconnects.
  • Uses external device for power-on configuration.
  • Initial cost is higher than CPLD and ASIC.

Here are some of the prominent disadvantages of FPGA circuits, according to user comments and expert opinions. It is possible to add different items to the list of disadvantages because such positive and negative comments vary according to user habits.

We answered questions such as what is the circuit system FPGA, which makes it easier for users by reprogramming, what it does, where it is used, and we talked about the details you need to know about this hardware. If you are using FPGA, you can share your experience in the comments.

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