There are many different ways to paste two objects together. The most commonly used of these is adhesive. Even when you go to any building materials store or stationery store to repair a simple object in your home, you can find an ordinary adhesive, but when it comes to bonding industrial objects, a type of adhesive called epoxy will be a must.
Even if you do not have a definite answer, we are sure that you have heard it once because we encounter the use of epoxy in many areas of our lives due to its extremely durable structure, and we even use it if we like to handle our own work. So what makes this type of adhesive so popular? Let’s take a closer look at what epoxy is, what it does and the points you need to pay attention to when using or choosing.
Let’s start with the basics, what is epoxy?
In its most basic definition, epoxy is a type of adhesive used in both natural and artificially produced versions. The reason for the adhesion feature is the polymer structure. Substances consisting of repeating large or small molecules are called polymers. The polymer construction is both durable and flexible. Thanks to these features, it can be used both in daily and industrial areas.
What does epoxy do?
Epoxy is a type of adhesive and is basically used for bonding two objects. In addition, it can be used to close cracks and fractures on existing objects. It is often used in industrial areas, but if you can find the right materials, you can also use epoxy to bond objects in your home.
There are two different types of epoxy:
One component epoxy:
One-component epoxy is a type of epoxy that performs the bonding task as a result of the interaction of a single substance with heat, not the interaction of two different substances with each other. It is not used very often in construction sites, as it interacts at least 200 degrees and fulfills the task of bonding. However, because of its incredible flexibility, it is used in electronic equipment parts, medical devices, infrared telescopes and even missile warning systems.
Two component epoxy:
Two-component epoxy is a type of epoxy that performs the bonding task as a result of the interaction of two different substances, independent of temperature. It is obtained as a result of mixing the resin, which is sold in two different packages, and the hardening agent known as steel. Although it varies according to the type after application, it first turns into a thick paste and then into a solid solid material in about 24 hours.
You can see that two-component epoxy is widely used in the construction industry. After 24 hours have passed, you must first soften the material using alcohol or thinner, and finally scrape it off. Due to this feature, it is possible to see that it is frequently used in areas such as automotive and aviation.
Where is epoxy used?
- In electronic device parts
- In medical devices
- In infrared telescopes
- in missile warning systems
- Automotive industry
- in the aviation industry
- in boat building
- in the construction industry
- For fixing concrete, stone and metal materials
- For fixing decorative molds
Some of the uses of epoxy, which is a kind of durable adhesive, are like this. It is possible to multiply examples because one of the first materials that comes to mind when a strong adhesive is mentioned is epoxy. So much so that it is even possible to obtain a unique floor when you spread an epoxy that has hardened a little and has reached the consistency of paste. Of course, you also have to take into account the cost.
Things to consider when choosing epoxy:
Durability measure:
The ratios of how resistant to pressure, bending and pulling are given on all types of epoxy adhesives. You should pay attention to these dimensions depending on which area you will use and what the object you use will be exposed to. Whether more than one surface of the object or a single surface of the object will be bonded with epoxy is one of the points to be considered in terms of durability.
Usage time:
Epoxy adhesives have two different usage periods as pot life and working time. If you are going to start using it as soon as you receive it, the pot life does not need to be long. You can think of the working time as the adhesion speed. If you are going to make a series of arrangements after applying the epoxy on the object, you can make your job difficult for a fast-adhesive type. As the epoxy gets stronger, the hardening time will be longer.
Flow measure:
The measure of fluidity of a material is called viscosity. For example, the viscosity value of water is quite high. Depending on the area in which you will use the epoxy you will buy, you should choose the material with the most suitable viscosity value for you. Considering the splashing and dripping situations while using it, it is not recommended to choose epoxies with high viscosity, that is, very fluid epoxies.
Water resistance:
Almost all types of epoxy become waterproof when they adhere and become a solid solid material. However, there are some that become harder as they come into contact with water. If you are going to use an epoxy to bond objects that will come into contact with water frequently, such as a water drain or water pipe, you can achieve a much longer-lasting use as a result of choosing the types that harden as they touch the water.
Advantages and disadvantages of using epoxy:
- Advantages of using epoxy;
- It is extremely resistant to water and heat.
- It can be used in any field you can think of.
- It saves time as some will harden in as little as an hour.
- Disadvantages of using epoxy;
- Two-component epoxies are difficult to use.
- If there is not enough ventilation, it will disturb the people in the area.
- Flowing epoxies can leave permanent marks at unwanted points.
Is epoxy harmful to health?
If we think that even when we are directly exposed to bleach, which is the material we use most frequently in cleaning, it is harmful, we can say that epoxy is definitely harmful. However, if you wear gloves while using it, if you are sure that the area you use is adequately ventilated, if you wear a mask and store it in a safe area, that is, if you take the necessary precautions, the epoxy does not directly harm human health, especially after it hardens.
Modern use of epoxy:
Even though epoxy is a kind of adhesive, it has gained a new field especially in recent years, decoration. Using a fluid and transparent version of epoxy, different decoration materials are made with different objects and colors added to it. These materials are used as tables, coffee tables or ornaments.
Since the objects coated with epoxy are not affected by external conditions, the contents of these materials become immortal. There are even special floor decorations made in this way. So epoxy has now become a kind of work of art material.
We talked about the details you need to know about this strong material by answering the questions such as what is the durable adhesive epoxy used in countless areas such as aviation and automotive, what is it for. If you have not used this kind of material before, do not forget to get help from the masters.