What is chauvinism, who is called a chauvinist?

Although it emerged as a kind of nationalist movement, chauvinism, which over time became a belief system that loves its own group and hates other groups, is quite common. Let's examine in detail what is chauvinism, who is called a chauvinist, what is male chauvinism.
 What is chauvinism, who is called a chauvinist?
READING NOW What is chauvinism, who is called a chauvinist?

Everyone has some value judgments and belief systems that they believe in. Everyone can have their own value judgment and belief system. However, if these systems glorify one side and humiliate the other, this is not something to be tolerated. Chauvinism is one of them. In the first years of its emergence, chauvinism was seen as a nationalist movement, but today it has a much more radical meaning and definition.

Basically, chauvinism is the belief in hating others and praising one’s own group. A person with this belief is also called a chauvinist. This belief system can be applied in much narrower and wider areas. Male chauvinism is the application of this belief specific to genders. So it’s a bit complicated. Let’s take a closer look at what chauvinism is, who is called a chauvinist, what are male chauvinism and its other types.

What is chauvinism?

Chauvinism, in its most basic definition, is radical nationalism. It is to see one’s own nation as superior to all other nations and to defend it exaggeratedly. This belief can often escalate to racism. Because the belief in chauvinism is based on the idea that other nations are worse than their own.

The definition of radical nationalism of chauvinism was expanded after the 1970s and different forms such as male chauvinism, regional chauvinism, sect chauvinism, sports team chauvinism were added. To make a new definition in this context, chauvinism; It is a belief system based on seeing one’s own group as superior to other groups and humiliating or even hating other groups.

Who is called a chauvinist?

A person who adopts the belief system of chauvinism is called a chauvinist. For example; If the supporters of the X team attribute all the successes of the Y team to luck and insist that their own team is much better despite everything, this person is a sports team chauvinist.

It is possible to give a similar example from culinary culture. If a citizen of country A thinks that their cuisine is the best in the world and that all other countries’ cuisines in the world are stealing their food, that person is a culinary chauvinist. It is possible to multiply such examples.

What is male chauvinism? How is it different from sexism?

One of the most frequently heard definitions, especially in recent years, is male chauvinism. In fact, there is no special belief called male chauvinism. With the increase of sexism and misogyny in the 1970s, this system of thought was called male chauvinism. In other words, male chauvinism means misogyny.

There are some examples on the subject. If men are given more voice than women in a meeting, it is sexism; if women’s ideas are humiliated, it is male chauvinism. In a similar environment, if men’s opinions are listened to with respect and women’s words are mocked, this is male chauvinism.

How did chauvinism arise?

The name father of chauvinism is a Frenchman named Nicolas Chauvin. He is one of the Napoleonic soldiers who lived in the 19th century. Despite being wounded dozens of times, he continued to fight for his country. He has drawn such an absurd attitude with both his actions and his words that the concept of chauvinism has emerged.

It is not this nationalist stance presented by Nicolas Chauvin, but his obsessive devotion that has given birth to chauvinism. Anyone can be a nationalist or a patriot. However, if a person becomes blind to anything other than his own group, this situation breeds chauvinism.

Is it possible to call all radical beliefs chauvinism?

A person may love their country, nation, race, culture, team, gender, family or any such value very much and be attached to it. However, it would not be correct to call everyone who is affiliated with their own group a chauvinist. Chauvinism is really an exaggerated belief and not everyone can be a chauvinist easily.

There are dozens of different values ​​that shape a person’s character. Ignoring all these values ​​and feeding an exaggerated commitment to only one value breeds chauvinism. As this commitment increases, hatred begins to arise against the opposite group that is not like him. The dusty pages of history also show that the results of this hatred will never be good.

We answered the questions of what is chauvinism, which emerged as a nationalist movement but later defined a radical commitment, who is called a chauvinist, and we talked about some forms such as male chauvinism. It is good to be attached to value judgments, but it is even better to leave everything in moderation.

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