What is Bulimia Nervosa, What are the Symptoms?

What is Bulimia Nervosa, What are the Symptoms?

For a healthy life, we must lose our excess weight, eat regularly and exercise, we agree on this. If you want to take things a little further and look good, you can improve nutrition and exercise a little. But not everyone can do this. For example, people with bulimia nervosa eating disorder are very concerned about their weight and appearance, but they cannot stop their sudden eating attacks.

Bulimia nervosa is not like ‘I couldn’t help myself, I ate one plate too much’. People with this disorder eat an incredible amount of food during attacks, then they regret it and sometimes they try to remove what they eat with the help of medication. Of course, like many eating disorders, there are some psychological problems. Let’s examine the questions like what is bulimia nervosa, what are the symptoms, how is it treated, in all details.

First, let’s define the disease; What is bulimia nervosa?

Bulimia nervosa, also known as bulimia or gross binge eating syndrome for short, is a type of eating disorder in which the person experiences binge eating attacks. People with this disorder usually eat secretly during the attack and experience great regret afterwards.

The person who regrets after the eating attack can use vomiting, enema and similar types of excretory drugs and methods to get rid of the excess food he has eaten. He may try methods such as fasting for a long time, applying very restricted diets or exercising too much to relieve his regret after an eating attack.

Do not immediately doubt yourself; What are the symptoms of bulimia nervosa?

  • Obsessive interest in body shape and weight
  • Persistent fear of gaining weight
  • Eating too much in one sitting at repetitive intervals
  • Losing control when binge eating, unable to stop
  • Vomiting after binge eating attack, applying methods that will make you go to the toilet frequently
  • Uncontrolled practice of fasting and calorie restriction
  • Using unconventional drugs and methods for weight loss
  • Feeling guilty and regretful after eating
  • Inability to eat near other people
  • social phobia
  • depression and anxiety
  • Irregular, excessive exercise

In general, these are the symptoms seen in people with bulimia nervosa eating disorder. If you have noticed, not all symptoms are seen once or more. One or more of the symptoms recur frequently at the same time. What turns these attacks from a simple problem into a kind of eating disorder is the repetition of the attacks.

A person without bulimia nervosa eating disorder may also overexercise, become obsessed with their body, or sometimes eat too much in one sitting. But the person with this disorder does all of these things sporadically. In other words, he eats a lot of food and immediately regrets it and does sports like crazy, but does not think of doing sports the next day, or he does not eat and exercise regularly despite being very obsessed with his body.

But how does this disorder occur, what are the causes of bulimia nervosa?

  • Low self esteem
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Substance addictions
  • psychological problems
  • emotional problems
  • Traumas
  • Stress

Like many eating disorders, the causes of bulimia nervosa are psychological problems. In general, it is much more common in women than in men. Most of the time, an obsessive approach to one’s body and weight begins in adolescence. During this period, people who do not eat in a controlled manner, do not exercise and cannot achieve weight control are at a higher risk of developing such eating disorders later on.

In fact, bulimia nervosa and similar eating disorders are a kind of vicious circle. The person first becomes uncomfortable with his weight and starts an unhealthy diet. Then his eyes turn and he eats like a binge. He soon regrets it and begins to exercise abnormally by tightening the rules of his unhealthy diet. Then his eyes turn and the whole process is relived over and over again.

If care is not taken, the consequences can be dire:

  • Throat and stomach ulcer
  • Tooth and gum diseases
  • esophageal inflammation
  • Intestinal and digestive system problems
  • Electrolyte imbalance
  • Abnormal heart rhythm called arrhythmia
  • Heart failure
  • suicidal tendency
  • self-confidence issues
  • social phobia
  • Irregularity in the menstrual period
  • substance abuse
  • psychological problems
  • Kidney failure

Unfortunately, this list goes on and on. Because our body loves routines and adjusts itself accordingly. If a person with bulimia nervosa eats like crazy for a moment and then stays hungry for a long time, if he does sports like crazy one day and then goes to bed, his body system will be turned upside down in a short time.

The psychological aspect of the matter is perhaps both the cause, the symptom and the result of this disorder. If we go over social phobia, the person feels uncomfortable in the social environment because of his weight, he develops bulimia nervosa to reduce the distress of this disorder, and his social phobia increases due to this eating disorder. As we said, it’s a vicious circle.

So what should we do, will bulimia nervosa pass?

Remember, the root cause of bulimia nervosa and many similar eating disorders is psychological problems. For this reason, we can say that the event ends with you. It is extremely important that you trust yourself, believe that you can cope with this problem, and discover your strength.

Of course, experts will also help you in this regard. Generally, people with bulimia nervosa receive psychotherapy, medications, or hospitalization if necessary. It will also be very effective to make changes in your lifestyle by getting help from a dietitian on the subject.

You can prevent bulimia nervosa before it starts:

  • Raise your children with confidence.
  • Teach your children the importance of a healthy and good-looking body.
  • Support your children with their weight and body.
  • Have enjoyable family meals.
  • Let your focus be on a healthy body, not weight.
  • Suppress your post-meal urge to vomit.

In fact, the main point to know is to be healthy. Of course, let’s be body positive and love ourselves, but none of us can be truly healthy with fontanel fat. For this reason, the most important thing we need to teach ourselves, our environment and our children is to live healthy. In a healthy life, no one gets fat.

We answered questions such as what is bulimia nervosa, which causes binge eating attacks, what are the symptoms and why? What we describe is for informational purposes only. Do not forget that you should get the most accurate and specific information about eating disorders from a specialist physician, as in all health issues.