What is a parallel universe, does it exist?

Many different disciplines, especially physics, claim that there are parallel universes that are similar to the one we actually live in, but are actually just as different, through the theory of multiverses. But what is a parallel universe, about which there are countless stories, books, and movies, does it exist, and moreover, is it possible to transition to a parallel universe? Let's take a closer look.
 What is a parallel universe, does it exist?
READING NOW What is a parallel universe, does it exist?

You may not have heard of or fully know the concepts of quantum, multiverse theory, hypothesis and many more. But when we say parallel universe, we are sure many people will be excited. As the name suggests, the parallel universe is just like the universe we live in, but it is just as different. If you think this idea only exists in science fiction books, movies and TV series, you are wrong.

Many important scientists, such as Stephen Hawking, think that parallel universes also exist through the theory of multiple universes. Even if its explanation is made with physics, there are those who think the same thing about parallel universes in different fields and disciplines such as philosophy, cosmology and quantum mechanics. Of course, the subject is a bit complicated, but in a simple way, let’s take a closer look at the curious and exciting questions such as what is a parallel universe, does it exist, is transition possible.

First: what is multiverse theory and parallel universe?

According to the theory of multiple universes, there are observable universes that are different from each other but have similar aspects, these universes are called parallel universes or alternative universes. The universe we can observe is thought to be about 93 million luminous wide. According to the theory of multiverses, this is only a small part.

Again, according to this theory, there are many different parallel universes, finite or infinite. Parallel universes can be similar or completely opposite in terms of time, space, matter, energy, physical laws and other issues. People working in many fields such as philosophy, cosmology, quantum mechanics, especially physics, talk about the existence of parallel universes.

Models about parallel universe theory:

Although not in the sense we know today, the first person to use the concept of multiverse in 1895 was the American philosopher and psychologist William James. In the studies carried out since then, expressions such as alternative universes, quantum universes, interconnected dimensions, parallel dimensions, parallel worlds, alternating realities, alternating time tunnels, dimensional planes have been used for multiverses.

According to a model called modal realism, all parallel universes exist at an equal level of reality. This model, which was first put forward in the 1970s, is a philosophical view. When we come to the 1990s, mathematicians and physicists have suggested that there are parallel universes that are equal in the mathematical system. There are also those who think that these are spiritual realms, but there is no explanation for the claims about their relationship with the known universe.

Parallel universe proven? Here are some disciplines that study:

Astronomy, religion, philosophy, cosmology, transpersonal psychology, mathematics, quantum mechanics, science fiction and fantasy fiction, and especially in physics, the theory of multiverses and parallel universes are examined. Some physicists who support the multiverse hypothesis and parallel universe theory are as follows;

  • Alex Vilenkin
  • Andrei Linde
  • Brian Greene
  • David Deutsch
  • Laura Mersini-Houghton
  • Leonard Susskind
  • Max Tegmark
  • Michio Kaku
  • Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • Raj Pathria
  • Sean Carroll
  • Stephen Hawking
  • Steven Weinberg

These names are not people who have proven the theory in question or proved it scientifically accurate, but only scientists who think that it is a subject of the field of physics and should be studied. Some names such as David Gross, George Ellis, Jim Baggott, Paul Davies, Paul Steinhardt support that parallel universes are the subject of philosophy, not physics.

Is there a parallel universe? There are some hypotheses in physics and philosophy:

  • Four levels of Max Tegmark
  • Nine types of Brian Greene
  • Circular theories
  • Hypotheses in philosophy and logic

Four levels of Max Tegmark:

Cosmologist Max Tegmark categorizes the space as we know it, identifying four key levels for understanding multiverses and parallel universes. The four levels of Max Tegmark are as follows;

  • According to level 1, there is an infinite space that must contain the Hubble quantity at initial conditions, and therefore there are an infinite number of universes with the same laws of physics.
  • According to the cosmic inflation theory at level 2, the universe expands, but because the expansion stops in some regions, bubbles form and these bubbles are parallel universes.
  • According to Level 3, every observation in quantum mechanics has a different outcome, and each different outcome means a different parallel universe.
  • By using mathematics according to level 4, the relationship between all parallel universes can be revealed theoretically.

Nine types of Brian Greene:

American theoretical physicist Brian Greene gathered parallel universes under nine main headings and evaluated each title as a species. Brian Greene’s nine types are as follows;

  • In the inflationary universe there are pockets that form new universes.
  • The ringed multiverses collide with the big bang, and the timeline changes.
  • The holographic universe is based on the surface area volume theory of a vacuum.
  • The quilted universe is the infinite universe, but due to the speed of light we cannot be in them at the same time.
  • The quantum universe is the formation of new universes, just like the Earth formation.
  • Landscape universes are pocket universes in the form of calabi-yau in string theory.
  • Membrane universes are coexisting 3-dimensional branches.
  • The ultimate universe is the possible mathematical universe.
  • The simulated universe is computer systems established with the multiverse theory.

Cyclic theories:

  • M-theory, which predicts more than 10 space-time dimensions as an extension of string theory.
  • Black hole cosmology, which predicts parallel universes inside black holes.
  • The anthropic principle that there is a special universe to be perceived by the weak human consciousness.

Hypotheses in philosophy and logic:

  • There is fiction according to fictional reality, there are fictional characters, and therefore there are similar universes.
  • If we think that parallel universes exist according to modal reality, this idea is real in this world.
  • There are an infinite number of copies of the same universe according to Trans-Earth identity.

Let’s get a little excited: is a transition to a parallel universe possible?

We are not even sure of the answer to the question of whether there is a parallel universe, as no tangible results have been obtained from the studies on multiverses and parallel universe theory. So the work done is the theory of theory. For this reason, it is not possible to transition to a parallel universe unless such a thing happens by chance, even if it exists.

According to a somewhat fictional theory that has no scientific basis, we pass into a different dimension metaphysically, namely a parallel universe, while we sleep. In other words, if we think in this way, it is possible to transition to a parallel universe. If you accept this thought, you can enjoy discovering a different parallel universe every night.

We talked about the details you need to know about this extraordinary theory by examining questions such as what is a parallel universe in the theory of multiverses, which claims to have universes similar to ours but in a way very different. You can share your thoughts on the subject in the comments.

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